Perfect Matches by Cirdan

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Chapter 2

"Push harder!" Ecthelion cried. When Glorfindel did so, Ecthelion found himself swinging dangerously high. He smiled and brought his legs under him as he swung back. "Again!" As he passed the high point in his swing, he snapped his legs straight. Glorfindel pushed him and then stepped aside. This time, when he was at the highest point of his swing, Ecthelion leapt off. For a brief moment, he enjoyed the sensation of flight. Then he landed in the sands and stumbled forward before bracing himself. Glorfindel rushed over quickly to see if he was okay.

"What in the Hunter's name do you think you're doing?" Glorfindel exclaimed.

Ecthelion grinned at his worried babysitter. "Flying," he said simply.

"Tyelpehtelë," Glorfindel said in his sternest voice. "You know full well that you cannot fly."

"But I did," Ecthelion said as he brushed the sand from his hands. "If only for a moment, I did."

"It was a big jump, not flying."

"Like a flying squirrel then." Ecthelion shrugged. "I liked it all the same."

"If you ever do that again..." Glorfindel said menacingly even as Ecthelion was heading back to the swing.

Ecthelion took a seat in the swing and pulled himself back. "Push?"

"No." Glorfindel glowered at him. "Didn't you just hear what I said?"

"I heard."

Ecthelion let himself go and swung forward. On the back swing, he used his feet to kick himself farther back. As he swung forward, he pulled on the ropes such that he was arched forward. He began to extend his legs forward and tuck them underneath him in rhythm with the swing. Glorfindel watched him from one side with arms sternly crossed over his chest. At last, Ecthelion was able to swing himself to a great height. He readied himself for the launch; the ground seemed so far away. Last time, he'd really jumped without thinking. Ecthelion faltered and let himself swing backwards, but he strengthened his resolve, swung himself strongly once more, and when the swing was back in rhythm, he timed his jump: 3. 2. 1!

Ecthelion made a mighty leap for the air and imagined himself soaring briefly like a flying squirrel with wings outstretched. Though he was prepared to experience the moment more fully than he'd been able to last time, the interval of flight was far too brief. He approached the ground with arms outstretched rather than forward. When he was half a heartbeat from his sandy doom, Glorfindel caught him up in his arms. He hefted Ecthelion up easily so that they were at eye level.

"You're crazy but brave," Glorfindel said. "I ask again: didn't you hear what I said?"

Ecthelion nodded and embraced Glorfindel around the neck. "I heard what you said and what you didn't say: 'If you ever do that again, I will catch you.'" Ecthelion smiled and hugged Glorfindel closer. For a moment, Ecthelion had actually doubted his guardian, but he would never do so again.

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