Perfect Matches by Cirdan

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Chapter 5

Glorfindel and Ecthelion spent the entire day working on their composition for the betrothal party of Finarfin and Earwen of Alqualonde. In those days, Maglor had not yet developed a written alphabet for musical notes, and so compositions were composed by trial and error and then memorized. Telperion was waning, and the first light of Laurelin could faintly be seen. It was definitely time for sleep.

Glorfindel was tired. It was a good kind of a tired, but he was still tired. Playing the harp for hours wore away at the fingertips. If he had even half the skill of young Salgant-The boy was only 10 and already playing with more mastery than Glorfindel! But what else was to be expected of the new little Lordling of the Harp?-Glorfindel wouldn't have had to practice so much. Ah, but meager as his skills were, Glorfindel loved to play the harp, and the only way to be able to do so at any major event was to become as skilled as the finest among the Eldar.

"Take any bed you want," Glorfindel said as he started for his bedroom. Ecthelion had been to Glorfindel's house often enough to know his way around. It wasn't until Ecthelion followed him into his room that Glorfindel finally asked, "Where're you going?"

"You said take any bed I want," Ecthelion said.


"I want to sleep in your bed," Ecthelion said.

"Oh, so I'm supposed to sleep in a guest room in my own house?" Glorfindel said indignantly.

"No." Ecthelion pulled Glorfindel towards the bed. "Sleep with me."

Glorfindel had no answer for several moments. He knew that young Ecthelion did not mean it in that way. Ecthelion obviously thought nothing of it. He'd already climbed into bed and now cocked his head curiously at Glorfindel.

"What's wrong?" Ecthelion asked. He looked so innocent... too innocent.

"Nothing," Glorfindel said with a slight smile.

Glorfindel slid into bed and closed his eyes briefly, but he did not let himself slip into slumber. He heard Ecthelion rustle beside him. He opened his eyes then and saw Ecthelion kneeling with pillow in hand. Ecthelion started at Glorfindel's sudden awakening, and Glorfindel took that short moment to grab the pillow under his head and swing it at Ecthelion.

"Hey!" Ecthelion laughed but quickly retaliated.

Glorfindel grabbed a second pillow, as did Ecthelion. They fought and struck each other with the pillows until the pillows burst. Feathers exploded into the air around them, but that didn't stop Glorfindel and Ecthelion from taking up fresh pillows. When all the pillows had been exhausted, their pillow fight became a tickle fight. In this, Glorfindel was definitely superior, for Ecthelion couldn't contain his giggling. They wrestled and tickled until Glorfindel ended atop Ecthelion.

"I yield! I yield!" Ecthelion cried out amidst his laughter. Glorfindel relented but stayed straddling Ecthelion to make sure he didn't try anything. Ecthelion caught his breath. "Oh, my sides ache."

Glorfindel smiled as he looked down at Ecthelion. "You asked for it," Glorfindel said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Ecthelion said, "I guess I did." He closed his eyes and shook his head and laughed at himself. Glorfindel lost himself in that laughter, for it was like sweet music, better than even the finest songs of Elemmire. Ecthelion had always had a fair voice, and many thought it wrong that he had learned to play the flute rather than another instrument that would leave his voice free for singing.

"Glorfindel?" Ecthelion ventured.

Glorfindel roused himself from his musings and realized that he'd been staring at Ecthelion and was still sitting atop him. The curtains were drawn, but the shutters had been left open, and in the soft blended light of silver and gold, Ecthelion looked extraordinarily cute. Ecthelion looked at Glorfindel with an unfathomable expression, and they gazed thus in each other's eyes for many moments.

Ecthelion said at last, "You're beautiful."

Glorfindel felt a blush slowly spread across his cheeks and found himself at a loss for words. Ecthelion apparently didn't have the same problem.

"The light of Telperion makes your eyes shine like stars, and there is a silver glow about your cheeks, rosy and fair. Your gaze is tender, your lips soft, and the light of Laurelin casts a halo about your golden hair," Ecthelion said in melodic voice. Glorfindel thought that Ecthelion would burst into laughter at the sight of Glorfindel's blush spreading to the tips of his ears, but Ecthelion only smiled fondly at him. "How long have you known?" Ecthelion asked. Glorfindel knew then that Ecthelion knew too.

Glorfindel said, "I've known that you were the one for me since I first met you, but not until now have I felt it."

Ecthelion nodded, and Glorfindel saw the silver light dance in his softening eyes. He wrapped his hands around Glorfindel's waist and ran his hands up along Glorfindel's back to draw him down until the ends of his golden hair mingled with Ecthelion's silver hair upon the bed.

"You too," Ecthelion said. "You're the one for me, too."

Ecthelion circled his arms about Glorfindel's neck and drew Glorfindel to him. They closed their eyes, and their lips met in blissful harmony.

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