Perfect Matches by Cirdan

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Chapter 3

"Ho, Glorfindel," young Ecthelion said as he approached.

"Ho, Ecthelion," Glorfindel greeted the boy. "How fare you?"

Ecthelion tipped his head and shrugged, a slight smile upon his lips. "Mischievous." Even as he said it, Ecthelion gave Glorfindel a mighty push into the fountain. The fountains of Tirion were becoming increasingly extravagant, and this one was deeper than Glorfindel would've liked. He resurfaced after a moment and spat a mouthful of water at Ecthelion. Ecthelion dodged and laughed aloud then sprinted away as soon as Glorfindel began to climb out of the fountain.

Glorfindel was not going to let Ecthelion get away with that one. Glorfindel gave chase and quickly overcame Ecthelion, who had not yet reached full maturity of stature and thus had shorter legs. When Glorfindel grabbed him, Ecthelion slipped out of his shirt with surprising ease. He must've predicted such an encounter and worn a loose tunic. Ecthelion's escape only delayed his inevitable fate. Glorfindel caught him and hoisted him over one shoulder. Now upside down, Ecthelion kicked his legs and hit Glorfindel's back.

"Aaaa! Glorfindel!" Ecthelion should've known such protests were useless. Glorfindel was still a head and a half taller than the boy, and so the blows did little to discourage him. Glorfindel marched with Ecthelion to the same fountain and dumped him into the waters.

"Take that, squirt." Glorfindel stuck his tongue out at Ecthelion.

Ecthelion only laughed and pulled his wet hair back. "Well, now that we're both soaked, why don't you join me?" He held his arms out in invitation.

"If you want to swim, I'll take you to the pool," Glorfindel said.

Ecthelion shook his head and leaned back so that the fountain's spray washed over his hair. He leaned back farther, took a mouthful of water, and spat it upward like a little fountain. Then he sat up to address Glorfindel. "When they install waterfalls in the pools, maybe then I will favor those over the fountains." Ecthelion stripped to bare skin and tossed his wet clothes to Glorfindel. "Now come join me." Ecthelion smiled brightly and splashed playfully in Glorfindel's direction.

There was something so innocent and simply joyful in Ecthelion's eyes that Glorfindel couldn't restrain himself. He stripped and joined Ecthelion in the fountain. They splashed each other and played chase around the fountainhead. The simple delight of running in and out of the fountain's spray reminded Glorfindel of those early days by the waterfall of Cuivienen. Ecthelion's clear laugher was like the sound of that waterfall breaking upon the surface of the Waters of Awakening, and Glorfindel's heart stirred for those days of bliss that came of ignorance. They were dancing hand-in-hand, encircling the fountainhead, when they were interrupted.

"Glorfindel!" Ehtele said sharply. The two looked from their dance around the fountainhead. Slowly, reluctantly, Glorfindel let go of Ecthelion's hands.

"Ecthelion, come hither," Telperien demanded. Ecthelion's shoulders slumped slightly and he waded to his mother. She wrapped a towel in place around his waist.

Unfortunately, she did not do the same kindness for Glorfindel, and so Glorfindel stood naked before them as Ehtele asked, "What were you thinking, Lord of the Golden Flower?" Ehtele held up his discarded clothes with no apparent intentions of giving them back.

Glorfindel blushed lightly and covered himself with his hands. After a time, he answered, "There's something of the primordial innocence of the Elves embodied in your son. When he asked, I could not help myself from joining him in the clear waters of the fountain, for I was reminded of the days when we'd similarly frolic in the Waters of Awakening."

"Sweet though those memories may be, the Quendi have grown beyond such things," Ehtele said, and his voice was harsher than it'd been in a long time. "You are a Lord of Tirion. You should behave like one."

"The fault is mine, Father!" Ecthelion said. He moved away from his parents and came to stand by Glorfindel. Then, to everyone's surprise, Ecthelion unwrapped the towel at his waist and slipped it around Glorfindel's waist instead. Ecthelion turned back to his parents (and those Elves who had gathered to witness this strange scene) and stood unabashed before many eyes though he was at the very age when young Elves were most self-conscious about their bodies.

Ehtele studied his son thoughtfully and said, "You do not exaggerate, Glorfindel, when you say there is something of the primordial innocence of the Elves in Ecthelion."

Ecthelion laughed as he covered himself with the fresh towel handed to him by his mother. "I may have something of the essence of the ancient Elves that were born by Cuivienen," Ecthelion said in amused tone, "but it certainly is not innocence!"

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