Perfect Matches by Cirdan

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Interlude 1

Ecthelion looked at what they'd written thus far. "That's it?" he said in disappointment. "By the stars, this writing thing is harder than it looks."

"So I've noticed." Glorfindel got up and began to pace to and fro. "I think the problem lies in our attempt to tell a tale. We can retell incidents, but we can't connect the incidents into a coherent story."

"Alas, what you say seems to be true." Ecthelion shook his head and put the manuscript aside. "What do you suggest, Lord of the Golden Flower?"

"What choice have we but to push forward and struggle until it is written?"

"There is another way." Ecthelion circled the desk.

"Oh?" Glorfindel raised a fine golden eyebrow.

"We could do PWP."

Glorfindel grinned. "Nothing would please me more, though I fear that PWP would be difficult to write if there was no history to establish exactly why our past selves were doing such things."

"I didn't say that we could write PWP; I said we could do PWP," Ecthelion said. "If we were to simply act out a PWP, the task would again fall to Cirdan rather than ourselves to write this story." He slipped his hands around Glorfindel's slender waist and pulled him in.

Glorfindel needed little prompting. He leaned forward so that Ecthelion was trapped up against the desk. He moved his hands over Ecthelion's hands and guided them downward.

"Is that right?" Glorfindel purred. He nuzzled Ecthelion's ear. "Just act out a PWP, huh?" Glorfindel pressed himself up against Ecthelion.

Ecthelion was not so trapped as he seemed. His hands squeezed Glorfindel's fine rump and gripped the firm halves. He heft Glorfindel up and twisted masterfully so that Glorfindel was made to sit atop the desk. Ecthelion pushed Glorfindel back before he could regain his balance. Glorfindel threw his arms back to brace himself. Ecthelion smiled and leaned over Glorfindel while sliding his knee between Glorfindel's legs.

"Yea, act out a PWP," Ecthelion whispered huskily in his fair voice. "Surely that won't be too difficult." Ecthelion sniffed up along the Golden Flower's neck and then planted a light kiss at the base of his ear.

"Hmm." Glorfindel pushed the manuscript aside and leaned back onto the desk. He spread his arms out with palms up in a gesture of acceptance. "Come to me, Lord of the Fountain."

Ecthelion's eyes twinkled with mirth. "With pleasure." He climbed up onto the desk to straddle Glorfindel.

Glorfindel grabbed Ecthelion and tried to roll atop him, but Ecthelion was prepared for Glorfindel's tricks and pushed him firmly back down onto the desk. "Nice try, Anor. You didn't think I'd let you get up, did you?"

"The sun will rise again," Glorfindel said with all due seriousness.

Ecthelion winked. "Oh, the sun will definitely rise." Ecthelion pinned Glorfindel's hands under his legs, kept him down with one hand, and ran his other hand from Glorfindel's chest to his crotch. Glorfindel stiffened and took in a sharp breath. He whimpered as Ecthelion's palm massaged his seed. He squirmed and tried weakly to pull his wrists free. When that failed, Glorfindel twisted some more and then turned his face from his friend, unable now to look into Ecthelion's eyes. Ecthelion took that as invitation and ran his lips up Glorfindel's smooth neck and then engulfed the sharply pointed ear into his mouth. Glorfindel gasped and jerked away from Ecthelion. Ecthelion took Glorfindel's ear in mouth again and sucked hard on it. Glorfindel half-moaned and half-whimpered as Ecthelion suckled hard enough to bruise.

Ecthelion broke away. "I'm sorry. I can't do this." He climbed off Glorfindel. "Your damned moans are just too annoying. They make me want to smack you and say, 'Stop overacting already!'"

"Aw, but Ecthelion, what about making my sun rise?" Glorfindel took Ecthelion's hand and put it over his crotch.

Ecthelion slipped his hand away and then put it atop Glorfindel's hand. "You're a big boy now." Ecthelion taught Glorfindel's hand to massage up and down. "You can make your own sun rise." At that, they broke out into hysterical laughter.

When he could speak again, Glorfindel said, "Well, I suppose we'd better get back to trying to write this story."

Ecthelion nodded and gestured at the chair. "Take it. It's your turn."

Glorfindel grinned. "You need to say that when we're in the middle of a lovers' bout."

"Save it for the fic."

"I will."

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