The Elendilmir by pandemonium_213

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Appendix: List of Characters

Although I have noted characters in the End Notes of chapters, a more or less comprehensive list is provided here.

Names were concocted using a combination of Claudio's name generators, the Ardalambion site, the Hesperides Sindarin dictionary and the Parma Eldalamberon 17 (PE17); links for these are given in story notes. Some changes have been made in pre-existing chapters. These are noted below.
Noldor (and their descendants) of Imladris

– Master of the Forge of Imladris
Thornangor (Thorno) – master smith; Sámaril's right-hand man
Astaron – (was Apsaner) master of the kitchen (astar = faith, loyalty; a Quenya gloss gleaned from a list in the PE17)
Lairiel (was Lanyawen) – master weaver
Cuivendil – master glass artisan, Lairiel’s husband
Calaquar (was Panoquar)– master woodwright
Galfaron – huntsman formerly of Celegorm's following; a Sindarin name for this Noldo. This likely is his epessë.

Noldor (and their descendants of Ost-in-Edhil

Mélamírë (Istyanis Náryen) – master smith of the Otornassë Mírëtanoron/Gwaith-i-Mírdain; Sámaril’s friend and Thorno’s mentor.
Culinen – Mélamírë’s mother; healer and guild master of Ost-in-Edhil.
Manendur – loremaster, a sr. aide to Istyar Pengolodh.
Nierellë – Sámaril’s wife; died in the fall of Ost-in-Edhil.
Teretion – master smith (Tyelperinquar’s former apprentice); forged seven Rings of Power.
Midhel (Sinda) – Teretion’s wife ; see Risk Assessment
Orondo – Sámaril’s father, died in the fall of Ost-in-Edhil
Macilion – Mélamírë’s apprentice, now the master smith of Galadriel and Celeborn’s people.

Brethilion - a healer (Noldorin father, Sindarin mother) specializing in surgery; born in Caranthir's realm in the First Age; trained under Culinen's guidance. Lived in Ost-in-Edhil but fled to Lórien after the fall of Eregion. Served under Elrond duing the War of the Last Alliance.

Sindar of Imladris

Naurusnir (was Nauruscir) – journeyman smith (may change his name yet again)
Maidhel – Astaron’s chief assistant
Lhainir – Sámaril’s assistant
Lathronir – master cobbler
Laerwen – musician
Duineth (was Gwauneth) – mistress of the flocks (domestic geese, ducks, chickens) and Galfaron's wife.

Tawarwaith of Imladris:

Midhloth – Silvan, housemaid.
Limnen – Silvan, housemaid.

And the usual canonical suspects:

Glorfindel = Laurefin (from JRRT's notes in Parma Eldalamberon 17)

Aulendil (Annatar, Sauron)
Tyelperinquar (Celebrimbor)


Anárion (briefly)
More to follow possibly -- oh, hell, probably.

The Dúnedain in Imladris

Valandil – youngest son of Isildur (see above!)
Isilmë – high queen of the Dúnedain, Elendil’s wife
Elerína – co-queen (in exile) of Gondor, Isildur’s wife

Vorwen (was Vorawen) – Isilmë’s sr. lady-in-waiting

Irimë – wife of Elendur, Isildur’s eldest son
Surien - Elendur and Irimë's eldest daughter
Yavien – wife of Aratan, Isildur’s second son.

Gaereth – Valandil’s nursemaid and later, one of Elerína's personal servants.

Dúnedain of Annúminas and Amon Sûl

Vorondil – chief of the Queen’s Men and Isilmë's nephew
Lónando - Queen's knight
Bregolas - Lónando's squire
Arindur - loremaster, keeper of the palantír of Amon Sûl
Finion - loremaster, keeper of the palantír of Annúminas and former smith/engineer of the shipyards of Rómenna.
Lord Anardil - nobleman of Arnor and ambitious member of Elendil's court

Dúnedain of Gondor

Lindissë - wife of Anárion; mother of Menendil

Longbeards of Khazad-dûm

Láki - master smith
Ragni – gem cutter
Birna - Láki's wife
Valka - Láki's sister

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