Piecing our Lives back together by chrissystriped

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Chapter Seven

Nolofinwe shivered as Maedhros moved the plug in and out, his entrance stretched and glistening with oil. It was the second largest of those he’d let made. The wood carver he had commissioned was someone known in their circles and didn’t ask questions. He hadn’t batted an eye and Maedhros had had the feeling that his commission wasn’t the strangest he’d ever accepted.

Nolofinwe was blindfolded, Maedhros had tied his ankles above his head with leather cuffs he could open and close one-handed and that he’d ordered Nolofinwe to fix to the headboard beforehand – making him do that had been strangely arousing although it was again a necessity of his limitations.

“You are so beautiful”, he murmured. “So open and ready for me.” Nolofinwe moaned when he slid his hand along the stretched skin. “My dutiful núro, I can see what a good boy you’ve been, training for me.” He moved up his side and kissed him gently. “Did you use the largest one already?”, he asked, his hand caressing Nolofinwe’s hipbone.

“Yes, my prince.” He lifted his head, his lips begging for another kiss. Maedhros nibbled at his chin.

“Should we try today, then?”, he said against his skin. “I’d love to see you find release impaled on my arm. Do you feel up to it? Do you trust me?”

“Yes, my prince”, Nolofinwe answered breathlessly. “Please.”

Maedhros kissed his lips again and slowly, inch by inch, pulled the plug out, Nolofinwe moaned into his mouth. Maedhros slicked his stump generously before pressing it to Nolofinwe’s widened muscle. He waited a moment, looking at the red scars that glowed on his pale skin. He still almost couldn’t believe that Nolofinwe had asked for this, that the thought of being filled with his maimed arm turned him on, but he knew that Nolofinwe hadn’t lied. He was completely relaxed and obviously aroused. Maedhros dragged his finger up the underside of his cock and Nolofinwe whimpered, he had forbidden him to come when he trained in his absence.

Maedhros pressed slowly in, felt the muscle give way and Nolofinwe’s warmth envelop him. Nolofinwe made an aroused sound and Maedhros kissed the inside of his thigh.

“You’re doing so well, my núro”, he hummed. “You feel so good, so warm and tight.”

It made pleasure shoot through his body. He moved his arm – his stump – deeper in shallow thrusts and wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking himself slowly. Nolofinwe threw his head from one side to the other and pulled on his bonds. He screamed softly when Maedhros’ stump brushed his prostate. His thighs quivered, Maedhros nibbled at the tender skin, admired the view of his arm stretching Nolofinwe so wide and right now he didn’t mind at all that he didn’t have a right hand. He stroked himself quicker while he rubbed the tip of his stump, where the bone was right under the skin, against Nolofinwe’s prostate.

Maedhros shivered as he reminded himself again that Nolofinwe had wanted this. He hadn’t wanted him to fist him, he’d wanted his stump and now he could watch him come while his stump was buried inside him. Nolofinwe screamed, his body shuddering violently when his orgasm rolled over him, Maedhros stilled his right arm’s motions to not hurt him when he tensed around him and came over Nolofinwe’s backside after another few quick strokes of his hand.


Nolofinwe blinked a few times when Maedhros pulled the blindfold off his eyes, he was already free of his bonds and stretched languidly.

“That was fantastic”, he mumbled.

He felt great, his body pulsing, warm and relaxed and utterly satisfied. Maedhros embraced him and Nolofinwe laid his cheek on his warm chest. He shivered blissfully when Maedhros started to caress his back with his fingertips. His thoughts were pleasantly blurry, he only wanted to lie here and breathe.

“Are you alright?”, Maedhros asked and his voice vibrated under Nolofinwe’s ear.

“Mmmh”, he hummed.

Maedhros laughed softly and kissed his cheek. Nolofinwe closed his eyes, dozing off with a warm glow in his heart.

Maedhros was still there when he woke again and Nolofinwe kissed him before sitting up slowly, testing his body – he knew he’d be sore.

“Where do you think you are going?”, Maedhros asked playfully stern.

“Getting something to drink. I’m thirsty.”

Maedhros pushed him gently back down. “I’ll fetch it for you.”

Nolofinwe watched him padding naked through the room. The scars on his body only emphasised his beauty, he thought, but he knew he couldn’t say that to Maedhros, not yet. He could only show him.

“Thank you.” He accepted the cup and sighed when the water ran cool down his throat.

“Thank you for this experience”, Maedhros said with a smile. “You make me so happy.”

Nolofinwe kissed him quickly. “It is my pleasure, melindo. Will we see each other one more time before you go eastwards?”

Maedhros nodded. “There’s still some planning left to do, I’ll sneak in again before we leave.”

“Findekáno wants to come with you.”

“He told you?” Maedhros groaned. “I tried to dissuade him.”

“He told me that, too. Do you want him to come?”

“He is my best friend, of course I’d be happy, but the diplomatic implications...”

Nolofinwe shrugged. “I couldn’t let him go immediately, of course, that would indeed cause discontent, but nothing prevents me from sending him as my ambassador, once you settled in. You are still the head of your house, it wouldn’t be that unusual, if we sell it right.”

“And you wouldn’t mind?” Maedhros sounded surprised.

“I’d miss him”, Nolofinwe said. He loved his children, but he also knew that they’d leave to find their own lands anyway – that was one of the reasons, why they’d come here, after all. “I could do with his help, but he is your best friend and it is his wish to support you. And knowing he’s at your side would make me sleep more easily.”

It would be good for Maedhros not to be alone. Nolofinwe wasn’t sure how much of the way he saw Maedhros interact with his brothers was due to it being in public, but he had a feeling that he didn’t want to seem weak before them. He had asked Findekáno to fence with him, not his brothers.

“I don’t want him to get mixed up in the Oath”, Maedhros said, his voice rough. “It’s better if he isn’t so close to me.”

“He’d be my ambassador, his duty would be with me", Nolofinwe tried to calm him.

“It wouldn’t deter him from following me anywhere.” Maedhros smiled sadly. “You know this is true.”

Nolofinwe sighed, his heart aching. They didn’t say the name, but they knew they were both thinking of Alqualonde.

“You are not your father”, he said gently. “But I hear your concerns. Let’s talk about it again, when the time is here to decide. I expect we’ll have regular contact. Are you going to leave one of the Palantíri, or is it going to be letters?”

“Letters.” Maedhros grimaced. “Although I’m going to dictate most of them – my handwriting is horrible. But father entrusted the Palantíri to Curufinwe and I’d have to pry them from his cold, dead hands, if I wanted to give one to you. Maybe we can come to an arrangement later, but my abdication is still too fresh.”

“I understand.” Nolofinwe slid his hand down Maedhros’s chest and heard him suck in his breath when he circled a nipple. “I thought about... us. And I’d like to stay in more... personal contact, too.”

Maedhros’s eyes twinkled impishly. “Oh, is that so? Do you want me to write you... suggestive letters?”

“More than suggestive, I hope.” Nolofinwe blinked innocently. “We'll have to treat them as state secrets.”

“That can be done, if you can read my script, that is. What would you want me to write you?” Nolofinwe sighed as Maedhros started to rub his neck. “What I’d like to do to you?”

“Hmm, yes, and I thought, you could give me tasks, too. I’d write you about fulfilling them.”

Maedhros grinned at him. “That sounds fun. But you know... I’m awfully possessive. I might not let you come but in my presence...”

Nolofinwe shuddered. The thought was appalling and arousing at the same time.

“Whatever you wish, my prince”, he breathed.

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