The Dance of Flute and Harp by Amaranth
Fanwork Notes
Beta: Beruthiels_Cat. Thanks for trimming and tightening this, I would certainly have gone beyond the word limit horrendously without you *hugs* All remaining mistakes are my own.
Written for chaotic_binky's annual Slash Awards
Disclaimer: The characters and settings of Middle-earth belong to Tolkien and/or his estate; I'm just borrowing them and make no profit.
The premade background with the arch and the water is a free stock image by AshenSorrow.
The celtic harp is by Yuumei and was used without the artists permission or notice!
The pic of the two guys is by Ed Freeman, found it on a site for posters and prints.
The image of the flute was a photo randomly picked from google picture seach.
I merely blended the pics and added the long hair and the writing.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Maglor and Tinfang Gelion (Warble). Two great minstrels, elves of like mind and skill; yet so very different. A conflict and the unique, captivating way those two masters of their art deal with it. Set sometime between 1700-1900 Second Age. Oh, and my Tinfang has no beard! Major Characters: Maglor, Tinfang Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 967 |
Posted on 8 January 2010 | Updated on 8 January 2010 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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