"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Óre - Heart

Annatar is troubled.

“Don’t tell me you are growing a heart”, Annatar spat at his own image in the mirror. “Pathetic!”

Everything had been going so well. The orcs were multiplying in the south, he’d earned himself the trust of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain and was well on his way to find friends among the notoriously difficult dwarves. The only problem were his own stupid feelings! He was starting to like Celebrimbor a little too much.

The Noldo was just so good. It should have been annoying. Instead he found it adorable. Celebrimbor was trying so hard to make up for the sins of his family, leave behind the mistrust and violence.

“And would it be such a bad thing to join him in this effort?”, his mirror image said.

“Oh, shut up, you’d go crazy, if you had to stay her forever!”, he growled. He could not stay here. He was not like them!

No, he had to get rid of the elf as soon as possible. Even if it was going to break his heart.

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