"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Úre - Heat

Azaghal and Maedhros take a bath.

Azaghal sighed deeply when he let himself sink into the scalding hot water of the natural spring.

“Come in, elf”, he said to his visitor who was hanging back.

He’d silently made accommodations for him, brightening the usually sparsely lit cave with extra lamps. He’d seen Maedhros nervous in dark places before and did not wish to cause him discomfort. He hoped, in fact, that the healing water would ease his aches. It always helped him with tense muscles.

Maedhros looked even tenser than usual when he stepped closer and Azaghal wondered if elves had a thing about being naked before others or if it was something else. He didn’t ask but filed it away for later. His friend was sometimes a little jumpy about seemingly innocent questions.

Maedhros carefully lowered himself into the water and groaned. His eyes closed in bliss and Azaghal had the pleasure to see his right shoulder lower almost as far as his left. He knew it pained Maedhros, though he never complained.

“This is awesome!”

Azaghal chuckled. “Isn’t it? I bet you don’t have anything like this at home.”

Maedhros smiled wryly. “No. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“You’re welcome, elf.” He liked him, if all elves where a bit more like Maedhros, they’d get along far better, Azaghal thought.

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