"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Osse is discontent and Mairon offers another way to him.

What makes a Vala?, Osse thought, watching Ulmo in envy. Why am I to serve him? We all come from Eru’s thought and I am not much less powerful than he.

“I know what you think”, Mairon said softly to him. “I feel the same. I too am not happy being forced into servitude to another.”

“But what can we do?”, Osse said. Fire and Water did not usually go well together, but he’d always felt a strange affinity towards Mairon. “They have chosen their stance. They won’t allow us to ascend.”

“Turn away, choose another. One who would let us have more autonomy.”

Him?” Osse curled his lips. “What could he offer me? He is at war with the Sea.”

“Not the Sea, just Ulmo.”

There was a light in Mairon’s eyes as he spoke of Melkor and the power they could have in his service.

Osse shook his head. “But it would be service again, an autonomy granted by him.”

“Isn’t that better than always being on a leash.”

“Maybe.” Osse sighed. “I’ll think on it.”

Mairon nodded. “Not for too long, my friend, I hope.”

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