"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Nwalme - Torment

Celebrimbor awaits his torture.

Celebrimbor could not take his eyes off Annatars hands. He was slowly laying out his instruments, explaining calmly how they would be used in his coming torment.

Celebrimbor was trembling, scared as he had never been in his life. Scared of the pain and what it would do to him. (He remembered his uncle’s scars and how much he’d been changed after his return from Angband.) Scared of prooving too weak.

He must not talk! For the sake of all the Free Peoples, Sauron could never know where the rings were hidden.

He had learned a thing or two from Finrod. Sauron might find all but the Three -- the ones Celebrimbor had made alone.

But the Three were hidden and only Celebrimbor could tell him where.

He must not.

He steeled himself for the pain.

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