"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Hwesta - Breeze

Elros dreams.

He was flying, the wind ruffled his feathers and sang to him of a large world with so many things to see. He wanted to follow it, but he was too small — afraid of the sea that lay between here and there. His tiny feet clung to a reed waving gently in the breeze.

Elros woke with a start. He needed a moment to remember that he had no feathers, no wings. The early morning light shone through the windows, curtains blowing in a salty breeze.

He had known the consequences of choosing the fate of Men. He was mortal now, however long lived. But he still could feel something inside him. Something that longed for wings. Something wild.

Melian’s gift, he thought. But he’d chosen the gift of Men instead and the salty breeze could not carry him away.

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