"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Hwesta Sindarinwa - Breeze, Sindarin

Lalwen let Círdan convince her to make a boat trip.

Lalwen was clinging to the rail of the little sail-boat. The waves were high and each skip of the boat made her insides roil. She closed her eyes to fend off the queasiness but quickly opened them again when it just made matters worse.

“Are you alright?”, Círdan asked, sounding far too happy about the situation.

“Fine”, she growled, regretting her choices. “You said it was just a light breeze!”

“But it is!” Círdan laughed and did something to the ship that made it turn direction. “We’ll reach calmer waters soon”, he promised.

Lalwen dearly hoped that his 'soon' and her 'soon' weren’t as different as a Noldorin breeze and a Sindarin breeze.

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