"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Ròmen - East

Arien sets and receives new instructions.

Arien let her sun-boat sink towards the Ekkaia and settled lightly on its insubstantial waves. She smiled at Eonwe who was waiting for her on the shore.

Twice had she made the journey across the sky. From West to East and back.

“Greetings, Arien”, Eonwe said in what she thought of as his herald’s voice. “I have a message for you: Henceforward you are not to alternate your course, but only rise in the East and set in the West. You will make your journey East by way of Ulmo’s realm under the Earth.”

Arien lifted a fiery eyebrow. “Why?”

Eonwe coughed. “Our Lords and Ladies think it best to give Tilion less chance to come too close to you.”

“Good!” She really didn’t want the hunter’s attention.

Eonwe stepped closer, shielding his eyes against her glow. “I’ll wait for you every day, dearest sister.”

She smiled and blew him a kiss. She missed being able to touch him, but not as much as she loved the fire she had bathed in and the freedom of the sun-ship.

She looked forward to the new adventure of travelling underground.

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