"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Gil-galad visits the Greenwood and Oropher is not happy.

Oropher glared daggers at the King of the Noldor, who was talking animatedly to his son. Gil-galad had come himself to sign the treaty. Soon they would go to war against Sauron, but for now he had to deal with the delegation of Noldor in his kingdom.

He hated it. He did not trust them. Never trust a Noldo not to stab you in the back! The only reason he’d allowed relations to open up was that he feared Sauron more.

He had not meant it as an invitation to seduce his son!

Oropher ground his teeth when Thranduil laughed at something the Noldo had said. He knew his son. He knew when his actions were just politeness - and this was not it. His son liked the Noldo. He’d have to give him a stern reminder of the Noldor’s crimes.

Oropher waved at an attendant. “Bring me my son.”

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