"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Vilya - Sky

Elrond gets to know his ring.

Elrond looked at the ring in his hand. He’d never worn it before. It had never been meant for him. His heart ached with grief when he thought of his dead friend.

Gil-galad had died for them, to defeat Sauron, and had ordered that the ring be given to Elrond.

The sapphire blinked at Elrond, beckoned him to slip it on. It had been too dangerous while Sauron was in power — to his knowledge, Gil-galad had never used it — but now… even with Sauron not completely destroyed… Galadtriel thought it safe.

Though he was well aware that his cousin had her own ideas on how to use her ring.

Elrond took a deep breath and put Vilya on his finger. Something deep inside him, he’d always known was there but had never been able to reach, woke up and stretched.

He could see the air move around him. He could hear the waters of the Bruinen sing to him. He Understood. She would protect them, if he asked her and the air would be their shield, making them invisible to enemies. And it would make them untouched by time — Ageless and Changeless — if he wished it. Imladris could be a place where they could live forever in a timeless peace.

No, Elrond shook his head. Safety and protection, yes, that he could use. But he did not wish for un-change. He wanted to experience the changing of the seasons, the passage of time — even if it hurt. It was life. It was why he’d stayed here when the Valar had asked them to go home.

This was his home until it needed him no longer. And he wanted it to live.

Elrond took Vilya off. He would have to train and be careful how to use it.

Celebrimbor had made something powerful and dangerous.

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