"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Anca - Jaws

Mairon finds an interesting animal.

Mairon sat on the thick bough of a tree that leaned out over the water of the slow flowing river.

The air was hot and moist so far south, it warmed him to the depth of his bones and he wished Melkor had built his fortress here instead of in the cold north.

He was watching a large reptile floating motionless in the water, its rigged, green-grey scales flecked with sunlight. It looked like a mossy log.

The deer walking towards the river to drink didn’t notice the danger lurking close to it.

Mairon tensed, trying not to move when the crocodile burst into motion. The huge jaws snapped open, showing pointy teeth, they clamped around the deer and dragged it under in a spray of water.

Mairon felt a shiver run through his body at the sight of so much power. He needed to tell Melkor about this. It would be perfect breeding stock for his new creatures.

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