"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Malta - Gold

Glorfindel receives a gift from his lover.

“Close your eyes”, Ecthelion said to him and Glorfindel complied with a smile. It was their anniversary and his lover liked to play games about his gifts.

He heard the thinkling of metal and felt a cool weight laid around his neck. Ecthelion took his hand and led him through the room. When they stopped, Glorfindel leaned against him, curious about his present, but also very much enjoying the closeness.

“Look”, Ecthelion whispered into his ear.

“Oh!” Glorfindel touched one of the golden flowers of the necklace with his fingertips.

“A wreath of golden flowers for my golden elf", Ecthelion said and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you! It is beautiful!” The golden petals were so intricate they looked almost lifelike, not two where the same shape. Glorfindel turned around and laid his arms around Ecthelion’s neck. “I love you.”

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