"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Anna - Gift

Haleth receives a gift.

Haleth walked towards the elf who had waited patiently on the bench before her house but now was standing up. She wondered how long he’d been sitting there. She’d left to hunt at dawn and now it was late afternoon.

“Lady Haleth”, he said bowing. “My Lord Caranthir sends me with a gift for you.”

Haleth leaned her bow against the wall and hung her catch — two pheasants — on a hook beside it to accept the leather satchel.

Copper glinted at her when she opened the drawstring. She took the armring out and admired the fine engravings, mixing elvish motives with those of her people. She smiled. That ridiculous elf had paid attention.

“Tell your lord I am pleased with his gift”, she told the elf who’d clearly been told to wait for her reaction.

She might wear it when Caranthir invited her to a feast the next time. And tease him about not having the guts to give it to her himself. She enjoyed the look on his face when he felt embarrassed.

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