"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Yanta - Bridge

A dwarvish builder receives an odd request from the Elvenking.

Hár stared at the elf and tried to process what he’d just heard.

“You want me to build a mechanism into the bride to make it easy to destroy?”, he asked slowly. Maybe he’d just misunderstood — even an elf couldn’t be as crazy as that.

“Yes”, King Thranduil said. “Build me a bridge that can be broken down quickly in case of an emergency. Is that possible?”

“Yes. But why?”

The Elvenking’s face turned even more serious than before. “Have you ever heard the story of Túrin Turambar?”

“I have… oh.”

There had been a dragon and a bridge involved in the destruction of an elven-realm, hadn’t there? He didn’t think a dragon attack very likely here, but the king was paying well.

Hár shrugged. “It will be done as you wish.”

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