"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Aha - Rage

Ecthelion fights the balrog.

(cw: graphic violence, character death)

Ecthelion was bleeding and burned. His arms were tired from the heavy attacks of his enemy.

“You’re dead, elf”, the balrog growled at him with triumph in his fiery eyes.

Ecthelion gritted his teeth against the pain in his body. He’d tried everything, the monster was too good a fighter and knew better than to let his smaller enemy come too close.

Ecthelion felt despair raise its head and stamped it down. No, he could not give up. He fanned the burning rage that had kept him standing until now. His city was burning, his friends were dead. He had nothing to lose. He would not let his enemy get away.

He bowed his head and charged — Glorfindel had laughed at his helmet design. He felt the spike puncture the balrog’s stomach. It stumbled back and Ecthelion pushed with a scream. Fire was all around him, he was burning.

He pushed until they both fell into his fountain. Steam and boiling water enveloped them. Ecthelion felt the balrog struggle and wrapped his hands around its neck, holding its head under water. He would not let it get up again. He’d take it with him.

The balrog's muscles became limp. Ecthelion's vision flickered and went dark.

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