"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Alda - Tree

Melkor looks at the dead Trees. (AU)

Melkor walked slowly up the back of the hill. No road led up from this side and the incline was steep. He’d come from here before.

There was a hard weight in his chest, tears pressing aginst the backs of his eyes. He'd been so terribly wrong. The black skeletons of the Trees loomed above him when he took the last step. He was alone, he needed to be, the first time he was coming here of his own volition after his pardon. He needed time to mourn his deeds.

They had been so beautiful and he had destroyed them because he’d been full of hatred for his siblings and the Eldar and their happiness. He hadn’t wanted them to have this beauty. He’d taken the last remnant of them for himself alone — or so he’d thought. The sun shone down on him and warmed his skin. He’d been so angry at their Father for working against him.

Melkor sat down between the Trees. His hatred and anger was long gone and only remorse remained. He could never make this undone.

“I’m sorry”, he said.

He would do so many things differently, if he could have, but time didn’t work that way. He sighed. He had to live with his mistakes like anyone else and the Trees would forever remind him of them.

Chapter End Notes

This is part of an AU, where Melkor eventually repents and is pardoned.

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