"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Númen - West

Círdan looks at the sea and wonders how to cross it.

Círdan stood at the shore, his heart filled with awe. When they’d been told they were walking towards water, he’d expected something like Cuiviénen, just bigger. He could not have imagined this endless expanse of water with no land in sight.

(Although there supposedly was one far to the west. Some of their more far-sighted people said they could see it on clear days.)

Today the sky was cloudy, the water grey and roiling, some of the waves reached his knees, even though he stood far up the shore. How were they ever supposed to cross this? Orome had promissed them an island, but they’d been too late — searching for Elwe. He did not know, if there would be another chance.

“Do you like it?”, a voice said from behind him and Círdan turned around quickly. This was one of the Gods, he knew immediately, although the being had taken the form of an elf.

“It is awe inspiring”, he said slowly. “It looks dangerous.” And yet he'd felt a strange yearning for it the moment he first looked at it.

The being smiled and showed too sharp teeth. “It is, if you don’t know its ways. I’m Osse, I was sent to teach you while you wait. The Valar have not forgotten you.”

Círdan bowed his head. “Thank you. I’m ready to learn what you are willing to teach.”

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