"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Esse - Name

Two Mablungs meet.

“So you are the other one?”

Mablung opened his eyes and blinked at the elf who’d stepped between him and the sun he’d been enjoying on a bench in Thranduil’s garden.

“I’m sorry?”

He didn’t know him and he wasn’t sure if the way he looked at him was judging or just interested.

“The other Mablung. I’m Mablung.”

“Oh!” Mablung rose and bowed to the Sinda. “A pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

He’d sometimes wondered about the elf who shared his name, but he’d vanished.

“Likewise.” Mablung of Doriath smiled wryly. “Thranduil speaks very highly of you and that’s saying something.”

“Because I’m a Noldo, yes?” Mablung chuckled. “He's gotten used to me. How long have you been here?”

“I was with Thingol and Melian in Lórien, but when I heard Thranduil had arrived, I came here.”

“Thranduil told me, you were close once. Want to swap stories?”

Thranduil had always become a little sad, when he spoke of him, because he hadn’t known what had happened to him, so Mablung hadn’t asked too much.

“I’d like to get to know the person who’s sharing my name — and is a friend of my friend on top of that.”

“That sounds good. Let me invite you to a drink.”

They left the garden together.

Chapter End Notes

My main OC Mablung was given that name before I even knew of Mablung of Doriath and I've sometimes thought about letting them meet. (Turns out it is hard to write two characters of the same name talking to each other.)

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