"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Quesse - Feather

Gothmog longs for his lover.

Gothmog gently held the long feather between two fingers. It was speckled white and brown, a falcon’s feather but larger than usual.

I miss you so much, you stupid bird, he thought.

Why couldn’t Eonwe see that he was following the wrong brother? They’d had a huge fight, each wanting to convince the other of their desicion.

But his anger had subsided and if he was honest, Eonwe wouldn’t be the person he’d thought he was, if he’d turned out less loyal. He just wished, he’d chosen him — them.

Gothmog traced his lips with the tip of the feather and wished it were Eonwe’s touch. Might her risk a trip close to Almaren in the hopes of finding him? He shook his head. Too risky on all fronts.

He was not that desperate.


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