"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Silme - Starlight

Celebrían sews a banner.

Celebrían pulled the silver thread through the heavy nightblue fabric with practised ease. She hummed softly while she worked, weaving a song of protection into the embroidered stars.

Soon Elrond would carry Gil-galad’s banner into battle and the thought that either or both of them might not come home from the war chilled her to the bone. She loved them both in very different ways, losing either of them would break her heart.

Her Song faltered. She put the needle down and closed her eyes. No, they would come back. They would win. They had to! They could not leave her behind! Celebrían wished she could go with them, but she was no warrior, she was no healer.

She took a deep breath and sang of hope in the darkness. Of the sun on leaves and starlight on water. Of safety and peace and love. For both her stars.

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