"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Formen - North

Melkor walks among the graves of his people. (AU)

Melkor walked among the orc graves close to what used to be Utumno so long ago. A chill wind was blowing so far north, even in what accounted for summer here.

The graves were hewn into the stone and closed with boulders, and not all of them were old. They still came here to bury their dead.

Around the graves where figures carved into the stone. They showed the deeds of the dead, showed them fighting valiantly and always, the last picture of the cycle, they kneeld before what he’d learned to recognise as himself - a mountain with three tips, rays surrounding them. They were showing him their deeds so that he might not destroy their souls.

He had made them and he had not been kind to them. They knew what power he held over them.

Melkor sobbed and let the tears run freely. “There is more for you”, he whispered. “And I will make sure you receive it. You deserve a better afterlife than this.”

He missed home, but he had a task and he would look all over the world for the lost souls of the children that were his too. It was time he took responsibility.

Chapter End Notes

Belongs to the same AU as the "alda"-ficlet.

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