"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

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Ungwe - Spider's Web

Thranduil finds a magical moment.

It was a crisp, foggy morning, the leaves on the trees were already turning yellow. Thranduil breathed the wet air deeply. It smelled of rotting leaves and mushrooms. He let his fingers slide over the bark of an oak hehad seen grow from acorn to the huge tree it was now. A lightning bolt had gone through her a few years ago, the dark scar was still visible but she had survived.

“Good dreams, my dear”, he said softly.

She whispered a quiet answer, already drowsy from the cold and short days.

A ray of sunlight broke through the fog and shone on a spider’s web in the oak’s boughs. The dewdrops caught in it sparkled like a thousand diamonds and Thranduil held his breath, letting the enchantment of the moment fill him. His forest was so wonderful!

He wasn’t very fond of the spider’s larger kin, but he knew the little ones fulfilled a purpose, and it had made this thing of beauty. The oak didn’t seem to mind its presence, either.

He felt one of his guards step closer and turned around. He could rarely steal more than a few moments for himself, before he was needed again, but today he would work with the glowing image of the sparkling spider web in the back of his mind and it would give him joy.

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