Strange Magic by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Daeron questions Lúthien’s use of magic and simultaneously feels attracted to her for the first time.

Major Characters: Daeron, Lúthien Tinúviel

Major Relationships:

Genre: General, Romance

Challenges: 30-Day Character Study

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 615
Posted on 13 February 2018 Updated on 13 February 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Strange Magic

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Very sweet and lighthearted.

I loved the banter between them. They reminded me of a married couple, used to each others mannerisms and such, but the love still present, if not just below the surface.

And Luthien with poor Daeron wrapped about her little finger. Jumping to her every whim, no matter his reluctance to do so. Mind you, how do you say no to the Princess of Doriath and an obvious beauty.

It was refreshing to read something without angst for a change. Sometimes it can get a bit much.


Thank you for sharing.


I think that Daeron for all his gifts and greater age was outclassed by Luthien's self-assurance and determination. She would have loved him I think, but unable to fall in love with him because she needed more of challenge and a mystery to engage her.

I am not one to write unrelieved anguish. Without the contrast of lighter moments it just turns into dreary and gray for me. Imagine LotR with no humor, song, or joy! Or The Silmarillion with no light and only Morgoth in ascendance without any resistance.

Thank you so very much for reading and sharing your impressions!

I'm charmed by the alliterative descriptions xD

Perfect picture of bored petulance... Hehehe. I've not really considered child/teen luthien, but I am convinced this is accurate - I particularly liked the point about how difficult it is to teach her 'no means no', and the idea that Melian would forget such talks altogether was a nice little thing that made me giggle.


Thanks for reading! And thanks so much for comment. (I guess I am imagining her to be the equivalent of a later teen, but Daeron thinks of her as a child because she grew up in front of his eyes and it is hard to adjust one's impressions.) I also think that all of the power of the more adult Luthien was acquired much earlier when it might have been a stretch for her to appreciate it. Nothing in her story convinces me that Luthien did not always strive to get what she wanted. She must have been a handful for Melian, who had have had her own struggles with raising a child into a functioning adult since being human was not her natural state.

Also the fact that there had been no half-maia-elf child before would mean both Melian and Thingol were flying blind; if adult luthien singing had such terrifying consequences when she wished, I shudder to imagine her 'terrible twos' or even just infant crying... And darn, now I feel somewhat sympathetic with Thingol locking her up all 'well, this has all the hallmarks of her other rebellious phases... It'll pass' xD