Newest References

The Tolkienian War on Science by Dr. Joan Bushwell

Biochemist and long-time Tolkien fan, Doc Bushwell argues that the events and ideas expressed in Tolkien's works often demonstrate a strong disdain for science and technology.

Published on 26 April 2007.

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The Textual Ghosts Project by Elleth

The Textual Ghosts Project is a list of the women who must have existed by inference, acting on the assumption that all characters (excepting the Ainur and the first-awakened Elves at Cuiviénen) must have had mothers and those with offspring also must have had wives.

Published on 12 December 2020.

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Seafaring Heroes and Villains: The Role of the Sea in Tolkien's Legendarium by oshun

Tolkien's seafarers and shipbuilders explore, challenge, define, and reframe his world throughout its fictional history, and Tolkien's use of the sea and sea-longing in particular hearkens to Germanic themes of exile and longing.

Published on 17 May 2018.

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Masculinity in Tolkien by Esteliel

Tolkien is often criticized for his simplistic, knight-in-shining-armor heroes. This essay argues that heroism and masculinity in Tolkien's works are not premised on this, but on love and loyalty.

Published on 19 June 2011.

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The Stars That Varda Made by Kitt Otter

Varda kindled the stars and set them into patterns. Many of these stars the Professor named in Elvish, but which real-life stars was he referring to?

Published on 1 May 2009.

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The Perfect Girl: An Exploration of the Hidden and Dynamic World of Fan Fiction by Nikara

An analysis of the fan fiction phenomenon of "Mary Sue" and readers' reactions to this controversial fanfic archetype.

Published on 23 April 2007.

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Name Calling: Group Identity and the Other among First Age Elves by Angelica

As the names used by the early Elves to identify themselves and others evolved according the essay Quendi and Eldar (HoMe 11), relationships between the different cultures are revealed.

Published on 14 September 2007.

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How to Review by JunoMagic

This comprehensive essay discusses how to write balanced and effective fiction critiques with a special emphasis on Tolkien fan fiction.

Table of Contents

Published on 31 March 2007.

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Exile, Wyrd and the Anglo-Saxon Warrior Ideal in The Wanderer and Tolkien's Quenta Silmarillion by Esteliel

As a professor of Anglo-Saxon, Tolkien's stories are undeniably influenced by the literature of this early people. This essay considers how exile, fate, the warrior ideal, and masculinity in the Quenta Silmarillion were influenced by the Anglo-Saxon poem The Wanderer.

Published on 1 August 2009.

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Chronology of the Silmarillion by clotho123

A compilation of Tolkien's various timelines from the First Age and earlier that presents dates for important events from The Silmarillion.

Published on 1 January 2011.

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The Accidental King: Five Reasons Why Finarfin Deserves More Appreciation by Dawn Felagund

An essay and commentary looking at the canonical facts about Finarfin in contrast to the neglect and hostility that his character is given by the Silmarillion fanfiction community.

Table of Contents

Published on 31 January 2006.

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Amandil by Russandol

Amandil - During Akallabêth in August we feature Amandil, the patriarch of the founders of the realms of Men in Middle-earth. Russandol addresses what the stories tell of Amandil, his evolution as the texts developed, and prompts unanswered questions for inspiration and debate. Originally featured August 2010.



Published on 2 August 2010.

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Ar-Pharazôn by Russandol

In honor of Akallabêth in August, this bio explores the history, evolution, and some of the questions surrounding of Ar-Pharazôn, one of Arda's darkest characters. Originally featured August 2009.

Published on 6 March 2021.

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Maeglin by Russandol

Maeglin is one of Tolkien's most notorious characters, credited with almost single-handedly bringing Gondolin unto its ruin. Was this his fate, and did his betrayal serve a necessary purpose in the history of Middle-earth? Russandol surveys Tolkien's sources to reveal much of this dark and oft-maligned character. Originally featured July 2009.

Published on 1 July 2009.

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