Fanworks Tagged with Vairë

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If Death is Kind by Naltariel

Glorfindel during his stay in Mandos. First of the Morning Light series. Nominated for MEFA 2009.

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Don't Explain by Gwidhiel

Galadriel's return to Aman prompts Indis to reflect on the state of her fragmented family and defunct marriage.

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Many Journeys by Elleth

A gathering place for ficlets of varying length written in response to prompts, prods and as gift ficlets.

New (added December 2024):

Instadrabbling fics from the SWG server event on February 17, which I never uploaded here, as well as a couple of shorter ficlets from November 2024.

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Manwë's Birthday Party by Dawn Felagund, Tarion Anarore, Rhapsody, oshun, Isil Elensar, pandemonium_213, Beatrisu

Round robin. Feel free to join in! In honor of SWG's second birthday, we offer a sillyfic about what may have happened if Varda held a party for her beloved husband ... and invited all of Aman. Please see the Story Notes for more details before adding to the story.

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The Broideress Arc by Gadira

Four-story arc, centered on Míriel the Broideress, queen of the Noldor. Those four stories have also been published separately.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Closing the Circle by Gadira

Of Fëanor´s death and the final fate of the Broideress. Warning for extremely archaic notions of thought. Part IV of the Broideress Arc.

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