Fanworks Tagged with Teens

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The Last Home at the End of the World by elennalore

After stepping into a chasm filled with fire, Maedhros finds himself in an eerily familiar house.

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Limits of Defiance by Himring

Finduilas considers the question whether she ever had a rebellious phase and remembers an episode from her childhood.

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Holiday Party Instadrabbling by elennalore

Two drabbles written at the Holiday Party instadrabbling event.

1. Maedhros almost (but not quite) makes his little brothers cry. Russingon. Valinor, Years of the Trees.

2. Sauron does something genuinely nice to someone. Tol Sirion, First Age.

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A Traitor's Issue by herenortherenearnorfar

Ulfang's daughters(in-law) seek aid in the aftermath. Reckoning with their own grief and choices (or lack thereof) they navigate Angband, the nightmare they grew up with, now the only place they can turn for help.

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The Mírdain New Year's Eve Party by elennalore

Happy New Year 1230 S.A.! At the New Year’s party, Celebrimbor and Annatar are intoxicated with each other, among other things.

Written for SWG Challenge Holiday Party. Prompt: A Long-Expected Party.

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The Elf's Lullaby by Anérea

A pair of young twins are lost in the wood.
In the tradition of folktales changing over time, I've written three endings, narrated in different voices. So this tale comes in three sizes: happy, medium, and sad. (And I'm not entirely sure myself which is which.)

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Hunting the Hunter by chrissystriped

Beleg and Mablung only meant to hunt for food, but they find something in the forest that leads them on the trail of a more dangerous quarry.

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Hope, in Darkened Days by Idrils Scribe

"But when Estel was only twenty years of age, it chanced that he returned to Rivendell after great deeds in the company of the sons of Elrond; and Elrond looked at him and was pleased, for he saw that he was fair and noble and was early come to manhood, though he would yet become greater in body and in mind. That day therefore Elrond called him by his true name, and told him who he was and whose son; and he delivered to him the heirlooms of his house."

The story of how Estel became Aragorn.

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As the World Was Young by StarSpray

"River-daughter!" Indis appeared from between some tents. She was dressed for hunting, with her hair coiled around her head in thick braids, and with a spear on her shoulder. Usually her hair and clothes were adorned with beads of wood and clay that clicked together in rhythm with her steps, but now she moved silently, quiet as the owl that the River-daughter had greeted earlier.

Indis was, however, much lovelier than any owl. "Are you leaving?" the River-daughter asked her.

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Morwen Learns of her Cousin's Fate by Himring

Morwen hears from Annael that her cousin Rian has left his protection to seek death at the side of her fallen husband.

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Salt on His Lips by chrissystriped

Elrond and Ereinion spend an afternoon at the beach and Ereinion makes a involuntary confession.

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This Tornado Tolerates and Respects You by herenortherenearnorfar

They are alike in warform. Unlike the Balrogs, the orcs did not get to pick their shape.

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I've Fallen in Love just a Little by chrissystriped

Mairon lies awake and contemplates his feelings for Celebrimbor that threaten to disturb his plans.

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All Living Things by Keiliss

"I’m only lightly armed and it’s just the two of us.” He had barely thought to bring a sword, the valley felt safe even under siege.

Erestor turned to stare at him from the shadow of an ancient oak, his eyes a-glitter in the low light. “You’ve fought wargs and orcs and all sorts of humans,” he pointed out. “And a balrog. You’re an army all wrapped up in one package. Come on.”

Set in Imladris under siege early in the Third Age. More correctly called Eklach's Story, or An Orc's Tale, because that is what it is.

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The Last Fruits by Ellynn

Telperion wakes up after the passing of Melkor and Ungoliant. Although he is mortally wounded, something extraordinary happens. Sequel to "Arrival of Darkness".

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On The Edge of Angobel by Kaylee Arafinwiel

for Day 4 of Nancy Stohlman's November 2021, "On the edge of the mining town..."

Thranduil's friend, Tulusson, is an OC of mine and AfricanDaisy's, originally from a mining family in the mountains of Greenwood/Mirkwood.

Sometime after Thranduil sails to Tol Eressea, becoming a prince of Doriath 'Wain, he visits the nearby mining town of Angobel...

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From Tirion to the West-Gate by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Write about something wrong that turns out to be right. (for day 3 of Nancy Stohlman's November 2021 challenge)

'The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.' -L.P. Hartley, 'The Go-Between'


Lalwen Finwiel reflects on market-days throughout her life, and how the more things change, the more they stay the same. Or do they?


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Beren and the Cats by Kaylee Arafinwiel


So November 2's prompt from Nancy Stohlman was "Write about a man who has at least three cats." I can think of several of my Elves who I headcanon as having cats, but while 'man' could just mean 'male', I took it to mean Man, and weirdly the first one that came into my head as possibly having many cats was...Beren. I don't have any reason for this, except that Huan loves him so it would be funny for him to also be a cat person

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"A Different Kind of Flame" and "Fire and Terror" by Himring

A craftswoman weaves Feanorian flames, but Morgoth's flames prove deadlier.

She is haunted by flame, at first, even after her death.

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A Farewell by Himring

Morwen departs for Dor-lomin, with Rian and some other refugees of the House of Beor, while Emeldir and others remain in Brethil.

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Attercop by Himring

Beren in Nan Dungortheb.
And an in-universe explanation for a statement about spiders in The Hobbit.

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The Sea Comes for Helevorn by Himring

At the end of the War of Wrath, during the drowning of Beleriand, the Sea reaches ravaged Thargelion, where Caranthir once had his domain, and Lake Helevorn at the foot of Mount Rerir.

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He'll Knock Next Time by Grundy

Turgon interrupted something. Drabble written for the Dear Irmo challenge, inspired by the "Now You've Spoiled the Cheese ..." prompt.

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Finwean Ladies Week 2021 by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Loosely connected Finwean Ladies Week snippets written for the prompts. 

Chapter One: Indis & Miriel (mostly Indis conflicting with Feanaro, mention of Findis, small Lalwen and Nolofinwe)

Chapter Two: Findis & Lalwen (Findis protesting Lalwen's desire to follow their brothers into Exile.)

Chapter Three: Artanis & Irisse (Galadriel and Aredhel on the Helcaraxe. Fingon being a teasing brother, mention of Finrod)

Chapter Four: 

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

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