Fanworks Tagged with Teens

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B2MEM 2021 Daily Prompt Fills by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Written for the B2MEM 2021 Daily Prompts. I have no idea where this is going, if it will be a cohesive story once it kicks off or it will be a random thing a day...will adjust as necessary, when necessary.

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The Captain and the King by oshun

for Keiliss, Slashy Valentine 2021

Gil-galad read the note: "Expect him in the morning two days hence, allowing for weather. Keep an eye out for his ship—Númerrámar."

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Cliffhanging by Grundy

Turukano gets a surprise visit. Written for the Soap Opera challenge.

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The Bitter Glass by Himring

Do not look in the bitter glass... 

A poem drawing on the account of the song battle of Finrod Felagund with Sauron in the First Age. 

A poem against pessimism and disillusionment, if you will. 

I also had the Mirror of Galadriel and Galadriel's advice to Sam in mind. 

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The First Time - Ever I Saw Your Face by Gabriel

After an age of sorrow, Erestor has a new chance at love and with someone he did not expect. But can Imladris' resident Councillor let go of the past and of heartbreak to allow something new to blossom.

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The Mystery of the Vanishing Elf by AdmirableMonster

An essay on the subject of where the hell Beleg Cúthalion gets to in the second half of The Children of Húrin.  He may be dead, but why is even his memory conspicuously absent?

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The Last Scion of Tevildo by Lindariel

What happens to the offspring of a cat possessed by a Maia of sharpness?


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Arrival of Darkness by Ellynn

Telperion observes something very unusual, very sinister, very ominous approaching Valmar.

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Pearls in the Shell by Raiyana

Returning to a once-loved place after losing the one who made it special is difficult... and yet, sometimes, it might be rewarding in a new way.

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A Mist upon Hithlum by Lindariel

Findekáno writes his father a military dispatch and mentions the weather.

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Clear Visions by Himring

Aegnor sings to Andreth of Valinor.

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Tales for the New Year by Kaylee Arafinwiel

In the beginning, the Elves awakened...what else happened at Cuivienen, and where might things go from there?

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Untidy Souls by StarSpray

As the Fourth Age begins, Elu Thingol at last returns from the Halls of Mandos.

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God, I Pity the Violins by StarSpray

On a walk down the beach in the early hours of the morning, Maglor stumbles upon a body. And then the body comes back to life. Things sort of spiral from there.

A crossover with The Old Guard (2020 film).

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Liquid Fire by Narya

At the winter solstice celebrations in Cuiviénen, Ingwë’s brew goes to Finwë’s head…

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Stranger in the Forest by chrissystriped

While Turukáno is grieving for his dead wife he meets a foreign elf in the woods who wants to fight Morgoth alongside the Noldor.

Rog is wary of this prince who doesn't seem prejudiced against former thralls, but he is willing to risk it for an opportunity to fight and for the safety of his people.

It turns out Rog can also help Turukáno to deal with his grief.

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The King of Flames by Katie Tran

After relinquishing his Silmarils to the Two Trees and Yavanna, Fëanor had returned from Mandos to Arda Remade. Swarmed with past haunts and wounds, he was in need of a personal healer.

Khánh, a mortal woman and friend of the wisewoman Andreth, had grown bored of her current work with herbal lore in a small children's school and wanted expand her career.

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False Dawn by Idrils Scribe

The year is 1409 of the Third Age. The kingdom of Arnor has splintered apart, and in the northern wastelands Angmar's shadow grows. Having failed to conquer Rivendell with his armies, the Witch-king tries a more devious way to destroy the House of Elrond - a house now divided against itself.

Sequel to Gathering Dusk, but can be enjoyed on its own. This story is completely written and will be updated regularly.
Many thanks to my marvelous beta readers Anoriath and Dawn Felagund, without whose help, encouragement and support this story could not have been written.

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The Foundling Prince by chrissystriped

Fingon and Maedhros find a dead orc in the forest - and a baby.

A mother decides to do whatever it takes to keep her child save.


My take on the parentage of Gil-galad.

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Meeting the Past by chrissystriped

Mablung is back in Aman and both Ecthelion and Sharû have things to apologise for. Glorfindel, who was asked by Ecthelion to approach Mablung about it, is there to wittness their conversation.

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Shadows of Old Heroes by bunn

In dark Ossiriand, in one of the undocumented early minor confrontations during the War of Wrath, Maedhros, Maglor and Elrond confront an unexpected enemy.  The story is seen from the point of view of Fëanor's unhoused spirit. 

This is an excerpt from my longer story Quenta Narquelion that I have put here so I can use it for a SWG discord fanfic book club event. 

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Forbidden by Narya

A musty old text in their grandfather's library sparks a moment of rebellion for Turukáno and Curufinwë.

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NOLDOLANTË by bluehair

I happened to be watching Saving Private Ryan. So I decided that this looks bright and shiny...

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The Gallant Gravedigger by Lyra

Atanacalmo of Armenelos, main censor, has to decide what to do about a political play. To make matters more complicated, Princess Vanimeldë is highly interested in the play's success...


A sort of spin-off to The Embalmer's Apprentice, probably only makes sense if you're already familiar with the characters. Written for August 2020's Utopia/Dystopia challenge. Contains no actual spoilers for TEA. No gravediggers or embalmers were (further) harmed in the making of this narrative.

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The Place, the People by Himring

Turgon, who failed to evacuate Gondolin in time, will eventually become a driving force behind the successful evacuation of Tirion when Pharazon's army invades Valinor.

But the story begins with his return to Tirion from Mandos.

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