Fanworks Tagged with Humor

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Be Good and Be Warned by mangacrack

Instead of Morgoth, they released Míriel. It's only sightly less tragical.

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Maudits silmarils, livre 1 by Dilly

A Gondolin, Turgon déprime... Une parodie crack du Silmarillion façon Kaamelott et Sacré Graal. Livre terminé ! 

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The Crossroads of Eriador by Kitt Otter

So a shipwright, a high-king, and a seriously miffed Galdor walk into a bar…

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Sand and Flame by Tehta

A retelling of a very well-known story. Features Fëanor and Nerdanel as young geeks in love, a rather unsympathetic look at Indis, and a lot of very simple sentences.

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The Quick and the Dead by Tehta

Months have passed since the Nirnaeth, but Glorfindel and Ecthelion are not quite over it yet.

Contains dark themes, humour, and slash, mixed together pretty evenly, I hope.

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A King by Any Other Name by Tehta

Ulmo be thanked, the Noldorin refugees have finally found a leader. He has the most ridiculous name, though: Ereinion. "The Scion of Kings". And where did he come from, anyway?

Cirdan attempts to find out.

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Gymnastics by Amaranth

Little Ambarussa get in trouble playing funny gymnastics with their friends...

Set in Valinor during the Years of the Trees, thus names in Quenya.

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Mallorn Torment by Tehta

An Elvish take on this business we call show. Also, a Third-Age Sindarin take on First-Age Noldorin history.

As a bonus, features Lorien's three named Marchwardens.

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A Convergence by Tehta

A few weeks after the events of Flawed and Fair, Ecthelion writes a letter. Or, at least, attempts to.


I expect this story will appeal only to rare fans of my interpretation of this couple. Oh well. Sorry, rest of the world.

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Show Us by Luxa

"Don't you have any curiosity?" asked Maitimo, throwing his packed saddlebag at him. "I'd have thought you, of all people, would want to come and meet the Secondborn." "Whatever for?" asked Macalaurë, pleasantly exasperated. "To write a song about it, of course."

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The Scion of Kings by Tehta

Gil-galad was the scion of kings, 
Of him the flighty Tehta sings.

Tolkien seems to have found figuring out Gil-Galad's paternity particularly difficult. Who was Gil-Galad's father, really? Was it Fingon? Finrod? Orodreth? (Which Orodreth?) Cirdan? It is an interesting question, and one this fic completely fails to answer. It does, however, answer the question of who his mother was. Anyway. Warning for, um, authorial self-insertion.

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The Archer's Triangle by Tehta

Wherever Túrin goes, emotional turmoil is sure to follow. The marches of Doriath are no exception.

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The Eagle Silmarillion by Tehta

An attempt to make sense of the mystery surrounding Glorfindel's reappearance in Middle-earth, presented using a rarely-seen perspective.

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Ai Elbereth by Tehta

A Glorfindel/Ecthelion PWP, full of dodgy humour, neurosis, and blasphemy.

This fic is a relatively plotless gap-filler set between my fics "Flawed and Fair" and "Strange Fortunes," and will probably make most sense to people familiar with these characters. Although, who knows? It probably makes as much sense as any PWP.

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One's Own by Urloth

Fëanáro, eldest son of Míriel Þerindë and Finwë Ñoldóran, attempts to be the best brother he can be to his little siblings despite being perplexed, bothered, and bewildered by them almost constantly.

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The Artistic Temperament by Tehta

Maedhros and Maglor discuss the Noldolantë.

This ficlet à clef is dedicated to everyone who has ever given me beta--no, wait, to everyone who has ever had cause to identify with this version of Maedhros.

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Many Happy Returns by Tehta

(Or, One Flew Over the Halls of Mandos)

The Silmarillion is so full of heartbreaking, wasteful, tragic deaths that it sometimes seems as if the not-tragically-deadly parts of the narrative are there only to give the readers a little breather.

I expect that everyone has a death or two that they find particularly distressing. Amarië certainly does. But at least she can do something about it...



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Of Mithrellas by Urloth

There is not much said of the Elf Maiden Mithrellas, servant of Nimrodel. That does not mean there is nothing to tell of her. A Sultry in September fic written for Rhapsody.

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Trinkets by Independence1776

A collection of unrelated drabbles and ficlets too short to post on their own. Each story has a separate rating and all are under a thousand words.

Newest story: Chapter 48: Aulë, Finarfin, and Maglor's ignored return to Aman. Crackfic. Rated General. Ficlet.

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Racing Towards the Start by Agelast

Fingon and Maedhros in the bliss of Valinor. 

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Acquiescence by Elleth

When Nelyafinwen Maitimë meets her cousin Findekániel Astaldë, they are drawn irrevocably toward each other, but will they overcome Maitimë's reservations and the strictures society imposes on them? (Not very serious Rule 63'd fluff with a mildly Austenite bend.)

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At the Bidding of the Minstrel by Himring

Maglor's brothers: a kind of ghost story.

Alternative text for Elleth's powerful artwork At the Bidding of the Minstrel, written as a gift fic for her some time ago but not previously archived here.

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A Kiss Is Never Just a Kiss by oshun

This is pure and simple crack!fic written for Chaotic Binky’s Valinor Slash Awards. It received the award for Best Kiss. Seriously, every participant receives an award--best award program ever! (I know I belong in kindergarten. I cry when I lose.) Thanks to Binky for the opportunity to have fun and for her brilliant setting for this silly story.

Oops! Just realized that I disgracefully forgot to credit my beta; IgnobleBard went through this one for me (it was a while ago, months I think! that is my excuse anyway for being so late with this thank you).

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Lords of the West by Marta

Olwe and Fingolfin had more cause than most to resent the Valar's tendency to leave dark lords unchallenged. A meditation on courgae, tragedy, and divine inaction.

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