Fanworks Tagged with Humor

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The Very Secret Diary of Námo by Aramel

The Doomsman of the Valar keeps a diary, and wonders what this "sense of humour" everyone's talking about is. Very silly. With apologies and fluffs to Cassandra Claire's original VSDs.

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Fill The Night With Stories by Klose

A place to house my short ficlets as I write them, or the ones that I can't bring myself to post here as individual stories anyway. Most of these will just a couple of hundred words long. 

#1 - "The Way That We Love" - Fingolfin/Anaire, very loosely based on theme of "Five Things Anairë Hates About Fingolfin". Written Dec'07.

#2 - "Inheritance" - a sort of missing moment story featuring Círdan and a very young Ereinion Gil-galad. Gen. Written Mar'10.

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Tears on the Battlefield by Alassante

Some of the House of Finwë prepares for The Final Battle.



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Speaking in Tongues by downtide

My Maedhros muse is a Quenya snob, and refuses to use Sindrin names. One day he told me why, and this very short story tells the reason. It was meant to have another part to it but once I'd written it, I realised that this part stood better on its own. Slightly slashy with very slight bad language (one instance, not particularly graphic)

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Behind a Locked Door by downtide

Written for Theatrical Muse, on the subject of Fun.

Warnings for slash but it's very much implied and off-camera.

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The Oddest Gift by downtide

Written for Theatrical Muse.  The famed Dragon Helm of Dor-Lomin comes into Maedhros's posession. And he can't wait to get rid of it.

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Stupid Stories for Irreverent Elves by darthfingon

A collection of stupid stories, most of which make little sense, bunged up here together because they're too small to be out on their own.  Set in my dubious fiction-verse.  Sexual content implied in some.

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The Coimas War by Russandol

Several years after the War of Wrath the tension between Noldor and Teleri over the Exiles in Tol Eressëa provoked a most unexpected war in Valinor, of which later chronicles never spoke. 


MEFA 2010 - Third Place in Genres: Humor: General


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Avar and Away by IgnobleBard

Gondolin welcomes an unusual visitor.

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The Silmarillion Gospel by Araloth the Random

What happens when a group of clueless fangirls try to "translate" The Silmarillion into Biblical English? Utter chaos, of course!

Nominated for MEFA 2010, with many thanks to elfscribe!

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The One Ring Reforged by Cirdan

Frodo bumps into Feanor shortly after fleeing from Boromir. Feanor reforges the shoddily made One Ring.

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The Fellowship of the Elves by Cirdan

n order to defeat the Dark Lord, the Elves form Fellowships of the Ring.

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Return of the King by Cirdan

This is the story of the return of King Gil-galad. Before Aragorn sets off for Mordor, Gil-galad and Elrond come to his aid with a host of Elves. Mild parody of TTT and the appearance of Haldir.

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Finrod’s Rematch by Cirdan

Finrod shows up and challenges Sauron to a very different kind of rematch at the end of the Second Age.

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The Piggolantë by whitewave

Another unusual take on my favorite Noldor elves. 

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A Matter of Cultural Differences by Lissas Elves

A Most Proper Elf gains insight in some of the vices of mortals and learns a little about himself in the process.

Warnings are for graphic language.

MEFA 2009 - First place, Genres: Humor: Elven Legends 


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Tedium by Lyra

Young Celegorm would rather have someone else do his chores.

Written for the B2MeM 2009 prompt, "What is the most tedious, routine work that you have to do?"

Apparently that was the month of young Fëanorians...


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Flights of Fancy by Ithilwen

"And thence at times the Firstborn still would come sailing to Númenor in oarless boats… And they brought to Númenor many gifts: birds of song, and fragrant flowers, and herbs of great virtue." (Akallabêth). Ever wonder what the Elves of Tol Eressëa might have brought back from those sightseeing trips? AU for some deliberately added anachronisms.

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Of Leaves of Gold and Petals Red: A Faery Tale by Ithilwen

A Silmarillion-based adaptation of a classic Scottish folk ballad

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Gentlemen's Night Out by oshun

The Hangover Redux set at the victory celebration at the Fields of Cormallen following the Battle of the Morannon, starring Legolas, Elladan, Elrohir, and Prince Erchirion of Dol Amroth. No, seriously, it is a consideration of Laws and Customs of the Eldar, Morgoth’s Ring, Volume 12, History of Middle-earth, with particular attention given to Noldorin, Sindarin, Silvan and Gondorian interpretations of that essay. (Actually, it is really not very serious.)

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The OTHER Lays of Beleriand by Aiwen

The Lays JRR Tolkien did not write for very good reasons. Part Eight: The Harp and other poems. MEFA 2010 nominee.

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The Bar Joke by oshun

Day 19 SWG Back to Middle-earth Month entry. The prompt: "If you could pass on three pieces of wisdom to future generations, what would they be?"

Summary: "Four guys were sitting in a bar . . . " (the Fab Four of the Finwean Cousins). A drabble and a half (150 words as counted by MS Word and the author). G-rated, but with warnings for extreme irreverence.

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Letter to Fingon by oshun


SWG Back to Middle-earth Month prompt: A stereotype is a generalization, usually exaggerated or oversimplified . . . . Write a story… where characters break stereotypes. Summary: Maedhros writes a letter to Fingon questioning his strategy behind his attack on the dragon Glaurung. (I hope that the format is legible. I would have written it in Quenya (yeah, right!) and used Tengwar, but then no one would have been able to read it.) Thank you, IgnobleBard, for Beta reading this ficlet.

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Sporting Woods by IgnobleBard

Namo takes a stroll through Lórien.

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That's Not Funny! by oshun

In their youth in Valinor, Maedhros has a secret crush on Fingon, his younger half-cousin, and Maglor loves to tease him about it.

A ficlet of 550 words in response to the SWG Back to Middle-earth Month challenge, day 11, humor misunderstood. (R-rated for language and implication only.) Also, translation of Quenya names at the bottom for those who want them.

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