Just and Equitable Government by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Quenya names (used with less than perfect consistency):

Celebrimbor:  Tyelperinquar, Tyelpo, Celegorm: Tyelkormo, Feanor: Feanaro, Fingon: Findekano, Maedhros:  Nelyafinwe Maitimo, Nelyo, Russandol, Maglor: Makalaure, Morgoth: Moringotto, Turgon: Turukano,

Fanwork Information



In Mithrim, during Maedhros’s time of recovery, Maglor appears one evening at Fingolfin’s camp and asks Fingon to return to Maedhros’s side. On his way back to the Feanorian camp, Fingon remembers the incident that made him stay away. When he finally reaches his cousin, it turns out that there was something Maglor had failed to mention.

With a vignette of Fingon on the quays of Alqualonde.

Warnings for aftermath of torture (Thangorodrim) and violence (Alqualonde) as per canon.

(Fingon/Maedhros; not explicit)

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 7 Word Count: 6, 833
Posted on 20 January 2012 Updated on 20 January 2012

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

A long time afterwards, in Tirion

(Contains some revisions compared to the earlier version posted on LiveJournal)

A long time afterwards, in Tirion

Comments on Just and Equitable Government

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I loved the additions to the story! Maedhros noticing how much thought Fingon put into decorating their house and charming Fingon’s staff (even if he doesn’t notice) shows how much progress he’s made since he was released from Mandos.

To Findekano, for a brief sunlit moment, it seems that Russandol is saying: But of course, Findekano, don’t you know I would trust you with anything, anytime, anywhere?’ Only he cannot really be saying that, can he?

Oh, but he can. I really like that part.

‘There is no way you are going to blow away’, declares Fingon, ‘because I am not going to let you!’, and holds his cousin tight.

Aw, cute ending :D

Almost imperceptibly, Russandol’s hand, having lain completely inert on the bed sheet all the while, flexes slightly and begins to move. It seems to move independently of the rest of his body, small, searching movements, like a mouse looking for crumbs among the folds.

Reading this, I am reminded of how the strength of his painful memories kept burning as bright and hot as solar flares in the Halls of Mandos for so many eons....

No wonder that he can hardly believe that he is with Fingon for good now, in Tirion.





Thank you! I'm thrilled that In Time, Stronger than Silima seems to have left such a strong impression on you. At least that is how I am interpreting your comment--unless it was something else you were thinking of?

Yes, Maedhros does find it quite hard to believe that he is with Fingon for good and also that Fingon has been waiting for him, all this time.


In my review of "No Way You Can Fall," I pulled out my favorite line from the story for commentary. This story had no shortage of lines that I loved, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would be this one:

When exactly did you decide, cousin, that making fatal errors is a strictly Feanorian privilege?

The build up to that line was filled with so much truth about the characters. While you aren't the only Silm writer who constructs fantastic stories, you have a special knack for constructing these sentences that are so perfect for how much they reveal both about the world and characters that Tolkien constructed and about the world and characterizations that you further construct around those.

Oh, and the ending made me squee.

Thank you very much, Ziggy! Glad you enjoyed the ending!

And I'm happy that my take on Russandol's recovery process works for you--I think it must have been a lengthy and rocky one, despite the strength of character of both cousins, which I think should not be underrated either!