How I Wish by Dawn Felagund

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Left behind by Finrod, Amárië considers the paradox of her situation: her wish for his return and the only means by which her wish would be granted. A sonnet.

Major Characters: Amarië

Major Relationships:

Genre: Poetry


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 122
Posted on 31 December 2009 Updated on 31 December 2009

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on How I Wish

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Thank you, Pandë! :) I wrote this one a bit differently in that, instead of churning it out in one sitting, I wrote it in bits over the course of about three weeks. I think that worked well. I\'m so relieved to hear that the meter worked for you; I am quite good at thinking in iambic tetrameter but iambic pentameter usually still gives me a run for my money!

Thank you, Araloth! :) Sonnets are hard for me (I can write a sestina in my sleep) because I\'m not particularly good at iambic pentameter or strong meter in general. But I won\'t ever be any good at those unless I practice, so here you go! :)

Subject-wise, yes, I was definitely inspired by the traditional notion of the sonnet as a love poem; as soon as Amarie started speaking to me about this subject, then I knew it had to be a sonnet! Rhyme-wise, I prefer Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder\'s rhyme scheme to Petrarch\'s, so I used that here.

Thank you again for taking the time to read the poem and let me know what you thought of it--I really appreciate it! :)