Of Draugluin by Huinare
Fanwork Notes
Draugluin has been poking around my hard drive since summer 2011. I originally presented him as the primary antagonist in one chapter of another story, and found that my speculations on the origins of werewolves wanted elaboration from his point of view.
Unfortunately (for him), this story is shaping up to be longer than I thought, as I conceive of sundry adventures a Father of Werewolves might have.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Wherein a denizen of Utumno is roped into a peculiar project, the repercussions of which are inescapable.
**Update! Ch 9. Of refugees and trees.
Major Characters: Ancalagon, Draugluin, Maiar, Sauron Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Torture, Character Death, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Graphic) |
Chapters: 9 | Word Count: 20, 578 |
Posted on 28 September 2011 | Updated on 5 October 2012 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
Catching Sauron's notice could only be a good thing, right?
Wherein Draugluin finds himself rather bound by an agreement.
The werewolves are given a task, and Draugluin discovers that the old ultraviolence isn't always that funny.
Justifications: Mairon has them.
Lore is given to the werewolves. A somewhat anomalous and stylized interlude in Draugluin's narrative, answering the Storyteller Challenge.
Additional authorial blathering: This was never where I anticipated this going, but one of the numinous inspirations that have been visiting me lately showed up last night. Aside from the Storyteller challenge, this was a challenge to myself in various poetic meters which I thoroughly enjoyed. I've looked these over a few times, but if errrors are found in my meter please feel free to give me a friendly nudge.
Thanks and happy holidays to those who have lent me encouragement in this tale!
Of hounds and spies.
Draugluin gets a taste of revenge and Mairon tests a new invention.
Note: All the more intense story warnings apply to this chapter. I had no idea this rather grotesque interlude was going to happen when I first started this story. If anyone finds themselves not wanting to finish reading the chapter but wants a cleaned-up summary of its plot, feel free to message me.
Other note: Chapter title is not a typo of Mandos, though that too is relevant in a tangential way.
Other other note: I seem to have had a birthday of late. I decided that it was fitting to mark that occasion by giving a final scrubbing to this long-waiting-for-posting chapter. This is normal birthday fare, I mean, right?
War comes to Endórë, and Draugluin meets someone he did not expect.
Of refugees and trees.
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