The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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And Then It Gets Even Worse

Credit has to go to Peter Jackson and Gandalf for some of the dialogue in this chapter.

The sons of Fëanor were understandably upset at his demise. Especially since he magically turned into a pile of ash. You can see how that could be quite catastrophic, seeing your Dad crumple into an ash pile for no good reason.

They were just wondering what to do next, as this wasn't really in the script, when Morgoth sent them a letter.

"Sons of Fëanor ,
sorry about your Dad. How about we meet for a chat to sort everything out. It is a shame this has got out of hand.

Love Morgoth.
P.s. Don't bring anyone with you, promise I won't do anything."

Maedhros: "well I guess that means me. I'll be off then. At least it will give me something to do to take my mind off Fingon"

Brothers: "But what if it's a trap!"

Maedhros: " It's undoubtably a trap......... But seriously, do you think I am a total idiot? I'll take an army with me."

Sadly Morgoth was also not a total idiot. He bought an army with him too.
His army had Balrogs.
Maedhros's army had elves.
You don't have to be a brain scientist to work out what happened next.

Yes they captured Maedhros.
They took him away and did unspeakable things to him.

No I am not going to go in to detail. They were unspeakable.

In the end they chained him to a cliff and worst of all......cut off his beautiful hair!!
Oh my poor Maedhros, forced to have a bowl cut.

And I think we will leave things there for now.

Yes that's right. It's a cliffhanger. (literally!)

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