The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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The Sad Tale of Maedhros and Fingon: Part 1

The Sad tale of Maedhros and Fingon.

Part 1

Maedhros and Fingon had a thing for each other.

Well Tolkien doesn't actually say so in as many words but reading between the know..... It's pretty obvious.

Actually they were SO keen on each other they managed to stick together despite such minor inconveniences as Maedhros's Dad threatening to kill Fingon's Dad right in the middle of Town.

Yes these guys were seriously devoted. Nothing was going to keep them apart especially the fact their Fathers had serious longstanding problems getting on.

Sadly but not surprisingly I am not sure their fathers were all that keen on the idea of their sons getting it together.


Oooh it's beginning to sound like Romeo and Juliet!

Romeo and Juliet the Middle-earth version,

With two guys,

Who were both elves,

So a bit different then.

But back to the story.....

When their Dads both decided to go off to Middle-earth hunting Silmarils Maedhros and Fingon tagged along....... Hoping it might give them a better chance to spend time together probably, you know while their respective Fathers were distracted by Kinslaying and Silmaril chasing.

Sadly it didn't quite work out that way.

Fëanor had managed to get his hands on the ships, finally they were off to Middle-earth.
"Yay" thought Maedhros " At last! Fingon and I can shack up on a ship together, how romantic!"

No such luck. Fëanor was obviously on to them. He frogmarched Maedhros onto a ship and sailed off in to the sunset leaving Fingon way behind.

Poor Maedhros. Poor Fingon.

When they made it to the other side Maedhros still hadn't worked it out....

Maedhros "Dad, you are going to send the ships back for Fingon, right?"

Fëanor. " No chance son. No son of mine is carrying on with any son of Fingolfin's. Not in my lifetime, ( and I am immortal remember)"

And he burned all the ships to the ground. Kind of extreme but he obviously felt rather strongly about his sons romantic dalliances .

So Maedhros and Fingon were parted. Maedhros in Middle-earth and Fingon in Aman with the sea (or a huge iceshelf no one had ever survived crossing) between them.

Talk about star crossed lovers.

It's a tragedy.

Hint: if your having some kind of secret fling, your Dads can't get on and the pair of them are going off on a foolish quest maybe you would be better off staying behind. You might have more luck being together that way.

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