Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax by The Wavesinger
Fanwork Notes
Warnings in individual chapters.
Fanwork Information
Summary: (Also cabbages, and kings.) Ficlets which are, even by my standards, too short to stand alone (and aren't part of a series). #6: Finduilas contemplates sickness and Nienor. Major Characters: Elros, Finduilas, Gilmith, Goldberry, Maedhros, Maglor, Míriel Serindë, Nellas, Nienor, Original Female Character(s), Uinen, Vairë Major Relationships: Genre: Experimental Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Chapters: 6 | Word Count: 2, 086 |
Posted on 23 November 2015 | Updated on 3 April 2016 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
Elros wanders off, and meets a stranger.
In which I should really, really be studying (or, Wave is a massive procrastinator).
The tale of the Weaver and the Broideress.
...Um, oops? This is Miriel/Vaire, but reads more like a summary than an actual fic. Title from The Statute of Finwe and Miriel in Morgoth's Ring.
Of the drowning of Gilmith.
Inspired by Elleth's An Enquiry into the Matter of Gilmith of Dol Amroth, which I highly recommend (and also you probably won't be able to understand this without reading it, sorry). Also contains references to the first part of my Like Mother, Like Daughter. It's not necessary to understand this, of course, but [SSP alert!] I hope you'll read it anyway ;).
A sum total of zero research has been done for this, which I'm going to regret soon, but I need to get the plotbunnies to go away because I have Things To Do. Also, science is completely ignored, because magic! Suspension of disbelief is therefore very necessary for this story.
"She" is, of course, Gilmith. Very pre-slashy, if you squint, but also ignorable slashiness.
Warning for attempted suicide.
How exactly did Maedhros offend Thingol? (On ownership rights and Silmarils)
Self-indulgent, short ficlet.
Nellas returns from a journey; she and Goldberry dance by the lily-pool.
This was written for silmladylove's Femslash February Drabbletag challenge on Tumblr, for StarSpray's prompt "Nellas/Goldberry, “The stars are in blossom, the moon is in flower”". I may have cheated a tiny bit and used the entire poem as inspiration. Oops? (The title is from the same poem.)
The 'verse was borrowed from StarSpray's Where Our Hearts are not so Frail, with kind permission. Also maybe-on-accident contains hints of my Queen Idhril stories. Again, oops?
Finduilas contemplates sickness and Nienor.
I asked for prompts on Tumblr recently, and Amy Fortuna prompted 'Finduilas/Nienor, snuggling in a cave in the woods.' Here's the (not-very-good) result.
Takes place in the Somewhere I Have Never Travelled 'verse, and is also part of Legendarium Ladies April due to convenient timing.
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