The Long Road by Kaz

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Fanwork Notes

This work was inspired by the last prompt in this Silmarillion time travel AU prompt post, quoted at the end of the first chapter to avoid spoilers.

Many thanks to undercat for beta!

Fanwork Information


Elladan really wasn't planning to get thrown back in time to Beleriand, but the world didn't bother asking his opinion. Now, he struggles to find a way back home as the First Age unfolds around him. The host of newly acquired relatives, including a great-uncle with a flair for dramatics, sons of Fëanor who insist on being people rather than historical villains, and a several-times great-grandmother with some unexpected skills, just make it more overwhelming.

And where is Gil-galad, anyway? Shouldn't he be around here somewhere?

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Elladan, Finrod Felagund, Gil-galad, Lúthien Tinúviel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Moderate)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 13, 481
Posted on 5 November 2018 Updated on 5 November 2018

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Comments on The Long Road

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This story is so amazing!! I loved every second of it (too much...I stayed up until 2 am on a work night to finish it, lol).

I really like your descriptions of the different characters. They all seem so fleshed out and realistic and personable.

"Melian's general uncertainty regarding what consisted of useful and acceptable skills for an Incarnate"

"Young not in the sense of age – indeed, in years she might well be older than he – but in the same sense that he has always been young. The sense of having lived a charmed life insulated from the weight of responsibility, always with an elder kinsman standing in the shadows to pick them up when they fall, loss and grief an abstract idea."

Everyone in this story is so compelling. I was sad when Finrod died, even though I knew it was about to happen! The twist though, about Elladan and Gil-Galad, I did not see coming at all!

This was a really fun (and a little heartwrenching) story! I thoroughly enjoyed it :)