Many Journeys by Elleth

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Sotto Voce

First shadows gather on the Blessed Realm.

"I forbid you to shame me, mine and my house, and so yourself, Curufinwë!"
"You shamed you, yours and your house already, giving your hand to the Vanya! You condemned my mother – your wife - to death while Arda lasts!"
"She condemned herself! This discussion is at an end. You will greet your brother Arafinwë Ingoldo at his essecarmë tomorrow."
"I have no siblings."

Fëanáro forced his way past the lords in the courtyard. Engrossed in their own little politics, none had heard the argument fought in hisses and whispers, although one had glanced up and briefly wondered whether Manwë sent a storm.

Chapter End Notes

sotto voce SAH-toh-VOH-chee, adverb or adjective:
1. Spoken low or in an undertone, as not to be overheard.
2. (Music) In very soft tones. Used chiefly as a direction.

Sotto voce is from the Italian: sotto, "under" and voce, "voice."

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