Letters by chrissystriped

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Chapter Three

My dear Núro,

I’d love to see you come undone, while I stroke your cock. You make such delightful sounds when you are close. And that look on your face... I might let you come after that. I might also let you wait a little longer...

There are some candles in the chest, you will need them. Also have a bucket of water ready, just in case, I wouldn’t want you to burn to death in your own bed. Light the candle and dribble the wax on your skin. Oh, the thought of your smooth skin flushed and covered with wax is a delight! If you had this done to you before, you will know what feels good to you, if not, try around. If I were there, I’d put the star of my house on your skin in red wax. I’d be very impressed, if you managed that. I want you to bear this for me, the pain and the pleasure that is its own kind of torture when unsatisfied. Stop before either of it becomes unbearable.

I want you to think of me, how proud I am of you for enduring this for me. I enjoy the thought of you aching for me.

You are always in my thoughts,
Prince Nelyafinwe




My esteemed Prince Nelyafinwe,

I enjoyed the wax very much and thank you for this task. I did have something like this done to me before, but it was very different. It was more about art for my partner then, than about the pain. I was lying prone on the bed and he used different coloured candles to paint a picture on my skin – it was strangely erotic.

I put the candle in a candlestick, so it won’t fall over so easily. (The water was in easy reach, though I’m glad I didn’t need it. That would have been embarrassing to explain!) As you know it is a new candle, so I wait until a little amount of wax has melted, pleasant excitement warm in my belly. My cock is already starting to harden. I let the first drop of wax fall on the middle of my chest, it is warm but there’s no bite behind it, so I lower my arm a little and let the next drops fall down from less height. I soon find the right height for the perfect balance of pain and pleasure and paint a few stripes on my chest, feeling my cock harden even more.

(I tried the star but I’m afraid it came out rather wobbly. I humbly beg you for a punishment, fitting my dreadful lack of skill. Clearly all artistic talent was bestowed on your branch of the family.)

The cooling but still warm wax pulls on my skin and I wonder how it would feel on my nipple – so I try. I cry out softly at the sharp, hot pain but after the initial flare, the pulsing of my skin under the hardening wax feels deeply arousing. I stroke my cock. It’s been so long since I have come and the thought of just continuing is oh so tempting. But I think of you and your words and that I’d feel guilty if I broke your order. So I stop and the thought of you being proud of me somewhere far to the east warms my heart and gives me a satisfaction not entirely unlike an orgasm.

I continue to lie there for a while, letting my excitement cool down a little before I peel the wax off my skin. I hope there’ll be the opportunity in the future for you to put the star on my skin. The thought feels odd – it is Feanor’s sign. But it is also yours, and that’s the thought I want to dwell on.

Most faithfully yours,

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