Letters by chrissystriped

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Chapter One

His Royal Majesty
Nolofinwe Finwion
High King of the Noldor


My King,

my brothers and I reached the east of Beleriand. Enclosed you’ll find an updated map of the area. We started the building of fortresses on the hill Himring as well as at the Aglon pass and the work proceeds well.

Carnistir came across another people on an exploratory ride further east. They call themselves Khazâd and claim to have been created by Aule. They speak Sindarin and seem to have a trade agreement with King Thingol. I have seen some of their works and think it prudent to aim for friendly relations with them, their skill could come in handy.

There’s an icy wind blowing here. Angband is always in sight, but that’s why I wanted to be in this place. I won’t let Him out of my sight.

Your loyal servant,
Maedhros Feanárion
Prince of Himring


My Núro,

I hope you recovered from our last night together. I often think of how your skin turned red and hot under my hand. The sounds you make when I fuck you accompany me in my dreams.

I miss you. But we’ll have to content ourselves with letters for now. I left you a chest with toys, you should have received it after my departure, and you still have the plugs. As agreed, I’ll give you tasks. You will only come if I give you express permission. Should you make a mistake, I expect you to write about it in your next letter and I will give you a fit punishment to complete.

My first task for you is to continue training with the plugs. I want you to wear them longer and longer until you are able to wear them for a whole day. Then, on a day of audience you’ll put in a plug, I allow you to choose the size. You’ll wear it through the audience and afterwards when you write me about it.

I look forward to your next letter.

I hold you in my thoughts,
Prince Nelyafinwe




My esteemed Prince Nelyafinwe,

I received the chest. As you ordered him to, one of my servants delivered it to me on the day after your departure.

I wore the plug for you today, my prince. I got up early this morning to have time to prepare. I became hard as soon as I started to stretch myself with my fingers and imagined it were yours opening me up. The thought to let others see me in this state, even if they wouldn’t know, let me blush, but I dressed myself in my formal robes, the silk of the undergarment slick and cool on my arousal and put the crown on my head.

I couldn’t forget the plug the whole day. It is still inside me, stretching me, making me shiver with every movement. Arousal rushes through my body and my cock throbs. I was already sweating when I sat down on my throne, and was sure that my subjects could see the redness on my cheeks. It aroused me to wear a sign of your ownership, in front of everyone but hidden. I was not always successful to keep my mind on what was said, but I finished the audiences dutifully. By the time it was over, I was shivering and drenched in sweat and hurried to walk to the privacy of my office.

Now I sit at my desk, my undergarment is wet where my cock is pushing against it, it slides over my tender skin, making me shiver. My whole body feels very sensitive, I can feel the seams of my clothes, the soft silk on my nipples. The temptation to touch myself is almost overwhelming. Just a few strokes to relieve that aching desire. My body is shivering, I’m sweating. I wish you were here, my prince. I wish I could feel your hand on my skin, your cock inside me – or your stump. I hope this account is pleasing to you.

Most faithfully yours,

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