Letters by chrissystriped

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Chapter Eight

Dear nephew,


I was very surprised to find upon Findek áno’s return, that he had acquired a baby somehow while visiting you. He is very tight lipped about how this came about, only told me that the mother was dead and the two of you found the little one in the woods while hunting.

He lets people believe that he’s the natural father, but to me he admitted that this was not so. It is obvious that he loves the child and I have to admit, that little Ereinion — what a name… couldn’t you have dissuaded him from that? — has stolen my heart, too. He is a cheerful child and growing fast.

I will let Findekáno have his way, the child is his son now, but I’d really like to know more about his mother, if you can provide such information.


I hope this letter finds you well,




Dear Uncle Nolofinwe,


or is it ‘Fingolfin’ now? As you wrote your letter in Quenya, I suppose you are as disgruntled about Thingol’s decree as I am. I do speak a lot of Sindarin with the elves of Beleriand, it is only courteous to do so, but I will not have my language taken away from me! Does he not know that his brother speaks the very language he is trying to forbid? Is he going to outlaw my father’s script next?

Anyway, that was not, what you asked.

I ’m afraid I promised Findekáno my silence, so I can’t tell you more than he already did. But I can confirm, that the mother is dead and that there’s no way of finding out if he has any surviving relatives, she wore no clan markings when we found her dead in the snow.

I ’m glad that you are in agreement with Findekáno’s decision. He loves you, he would not want to disappoint you with his actions.

Pertaining to the name: I tried, but Findekáno is as stubborn as his father. I could not change his mind.


Best wishes,

Chapter End Notes

This is a short sfw kind-of-epiloge to the letters because I wanted to write about Nolofinwe's reaction to Gil-galad and it didn't fit in anywhere else.
Next part of the series (which is already written) is going to be the aftermath of the Dagor Bragollach, I'm afraid. But afterwards we move on to them being reborn (which I still have to write in large parts, so it might take a while).

If you want to know more than Nolofinwe about Gil-galad's parentage in this 'verse, you can find my fic about Maedhros and Fingon finding him here: https://www.silmarillionwritersguild.org/node/4585

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