Letters by chrissystriped

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Chapter Six

My esteemed Prince Nelyafinwe,

I regret to have to write you of a transgression today. I don’t want to make excuses but want you to know that I didn’t mean it to happen. I had an erotic dream of you and when I woke I realised that it had had a physical effect. The sheets were damp, I had come in my sleep. I respectfully ask you for a fitting punishment, my prince.

I humbly remain your núro,




My King,

I’m happy to inform you that Curufinwe invented a system of movable letter blocks that makes it possible for me to write my letters more quickly and legibly. I’ll send you a set of tengwasse and a setting device at your disposal. It works similarly to woodblock or copperplate print with the difference that the letters can be changed and reused for a different project. You will find that my letters to you will now be longer than before as this is much more comfortable for me than to write with my left hand.



My Núro,

I acknowledge that you fell victim to the reaction of your body and didn’t defy me wilfully, your punishment will be lighter for it. Take a handful of wheat grain and scatter them in a corner of your room. Undress and kneel on the grains. Lace your hands on your back and lean your forehead against the walls where they meet. Hold this position for a quarter of an hour. 

I expect a report.

In the attached package you will find an item that will stop such a slip from happening again. I’m ordering you to wear it at night so your body won’t cheat you again.

I want you to remember that I love you. After you carried out your punishment, I want you to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, drink a hot cup of tea and remind yourself that although I can’t be there with you, I would hold you now and tell you that I forgive you and what a good boy you are.

With the strongest assurance of my deep affection for you,




My esteemed Prince Nelyafinwe,

below I give you my report of the execution of the punishment you placed on me and I humbly thank you for it.

I kneel in a corner of my bedroom, in the position you ordered. It is winter and cold in this corner, despite the fire in the hearth. My knees hurt where the hard grains dig into my skin. My whole body tenses with the pain, my breath short and laboured. I want to move, shift my weight to ease the pain a little, but I don’t. I earned this punishment because I couldn’t control my body and I will bear it. 

I have to brace against the wall to get up, when the time is up. I wipe a few grains off that still stick to my knees, they left deep grooves, and hobble to the armchair in front of the fireplace. A blanket and tea are already prepared. At first I didn’t understand why you gave me these orders, but now I do. I long so much for you that my heart hurts. I know you would have lifted me up and carried me to the armchair, if you were here. You would have wrapped me in the blanket and murmured sweet things to me. My knees throb painfully and I curl up, the hot cup between my hands. A few tears run down my cheeks, but the memory of your words give me strength. (Do you know that I read your letters so often that I know them by heart?) It has been so many years. The letters help, but it is not enough.

I’m full of longing for you,

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