Letters by chrissystriped

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Chapter Five

My esteemed Prince Nelyafinwe,

I arrived safely at home. Did poor Makalaure get over his embarrassment yet? I’m not. I feel my cheeks heat every time I think of him seeing me in such a position. My only consolation is that Findekáno wasn’t with him and I trust Makalaure will know to keep quiet about it. It wouldn’t do for more people to find out. (The fantasy of you dominating me in front of other people, on the other hand, I find deeply arousing. Make of that, what you will, my prince.) 

On another note: The Star you put on my chest with that plant paste is still visible, I sometimes trace it, when I lie in bed at night. Remembering our last time together. It feels good to bear your mark on my skin, being yours. I hope you are sleeping well.

I love you,




My dear Núro,

I know I already said it, but I want to write it again: I’m glad you came. Your presence gave me some badly needed rest. Makalaure knows to hold his tongue. I explained how things are between us and he thinks us – well, mostly me – quite mad, but he can keep a secret. 

I’m glad to hear the star still remains. I wish I could show it to everyone. I could do that here, you know? My men are absolutely loyal to me, they would not try to come to the rescue of your honour. I’d love to have you kneel beside me at dinner, wearing nothing but your skin, the mark of my ownership red on your chest. I’d feed you little morsels from my own hand and your tongue would tickle my fingers. My guards and attendants would watch you as I guide you over my lap. They’d hear your sweet cries as I spank your ass. They’d think how pretty you look, your skin flushed. I’m sure some of them would be aroused as I make you straddle my lap and enter you and they’d like to take a turn, but you are mine alone. I might share the sight of you, but not your body. And what a sight that would be: Your skin flushed and pearls of sweat running down your chest, your cock hard from the spanking and the feeling of me spreading you. And the knowledge of being watched – I’d tease you with being aroused by flaunting your submission to me before my men, but I’d enjoy it, too, to know that they can see that you are mine. I’d let you ride me for a while before laying you on top of the table and fucking you hard. And now our watchers would have the pleasure of hearing you moan and cry out my name. They’d surely think me a very lucky man to have you as my willing plaything.

I’m not going to lie. There are nights when I wake, drenched in sweat and think myself back in Angband. I often haunt the fortress through those nights, because I’m too afraid to fall asleep again. I wish then you could be here to hold me. It helps to think of your love for me. I will never doubt that again. And it helps, too, that Findekáno is here, he’s found me walking the dark hallways once or twice – as if he felt my need – and talked with me through the rest of the night. He wants me to wake him, if I need company, but I don’t want to deprive him of his sleep. It’s enough that one of us is restless. I will weather this. I have my family and He is not going to win. I won’t let him.

It is dinnertime now, so I’ll end this letter. I know you wouldn’t want me to skip a meal and I’m trying to be more attentive of my eating habits. (That, in fact, helps, too. Going to bed not hungry seems to keep the nightmares at bay.)

I love you,
Nelyafinwe Maedhros

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