Every year, we run a challenge that we have termed (because, as far as we know, we invented the concept) a Matryoshka challenge. Like the nesting dolls after which it is named, this challenge involves a series of prompts, each opened only after the previous prompt has been completed, meaning that the fanwork is shaped by challenge prompts even as it is being created. We typically offer the option to complete two, three, five, or seven prompts.

This month is the month for our annual Matryoshka challenge, offered with a twist. Instead of sending prompts via email, prompts this year are based around a map, which you will navigate around in order to choose your prompts. This makes the Matryoshka a bit easier by removing the element of surprise. It makes it a bit difficult because now you have to choose!

Please note that your fanwork does not have to include the locations you choose on the map, only the prompts for each location. As in the past, you can complete two, three, five, or seven prompts. Note also that some special rules may apply if you are creating fanworks about specific characters. You can find the full X Marks the Spot guidelines, the map, the prompts, and hopefully answers to your unanswered questions here. (If you still have a question we haven't answered, just hit Reply and ask!)

A very special thanks goes out to Grundy this month for her work designing this challenge and creating the map!

Also, the Novelette Book Club is coming up on our Discord server in just about a month. The book club schedule has been posted, so you can get a start on reading the fabulous novelettes that will be on offer for discussion that weekend.

SWG News

New Challenge: Bollywood
This month's challenge offers songs, films, and tropes from Bollywood, the world's largest film industry based out of India, as prompts for fanworks.

Cultus Dispatches: Fandom Chocolate … or Authors Love Comments
Tolkien Fanfiction Survey data provides insight into how comments benefit authors and which authors are most impacted by a lack of comments, with a digression on authors' perspectives one-click feedback like kudos.

A Sense of History: Passing Ships
As Tolkien's characters in various texts gaze out to the sea, what do they see? What is brought by the ships coming out of the West?

New Challenge: Funky '70s
We've compiled lists of '70s-themed prompts to inspire your fanwork in the June-July challenge.

Fandom Voices: Commenting and Feedback
We are collecting fan experiences related to giving and receiving feedback on Tolkien-based fanworks.

Tech Issues Resolved

This week, we cleared the queue of the final lingering issues related to our software upgrade. If you notice something wrong with the site, please report it by commenting on the Known Issues page or contacting the mods. We thank you all again for your patience these last weeks as we first completed the upgraded and then dealt with the inevitable onslaught of issues the upgrade produced.

New Fanworks

No Time Have I by by Flora-lass [Writing]

A Silmarillion acrostic.

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Lament for the Singer by by daughterofshadows [Writing]

A short thing about Maglor, death and grieving.

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All of you by by chrissystriped [Writing]

Elrond and Celebrían celebrate their anniversary with their family.

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Eä's Redemption by by AaronAzrael [Writing]

This is my new poetical attempt to add my own interpretation to Tolkien's Cosmology as to Eru's Creation and the Valar's minds and behind-the-scene providence reasons and mechanisms.. I often review Eä as part of our own world, just in another dimension, this is why I have always seriously thought on the matter who the Ainur are, who Eru is, how he matches our own religious pantheon, and this has been conducted after serious research of many esoteric teachings of our own planet's heritage.

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Map of Valinor by by Aprilertuile [Artwork]

My newly drawn map of Aman, as complete as I could make it. 

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Fair as the First Snowdrop in Spring by by StarSpray [Writing]

The first time Elrond saw Celebrían he forgot how to breathe.

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Temper, temper... by by Aprilertuile [Writing]

Maglor hit some musical difficulties and snaps.

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Updated Fanworks

I called it Fate that I should fail by by AdmirableMonster [Writing]

Nimruzimir, a natural philosopher recently out of his apprenticeship, hardly considers himself very important to anyone, least of all his colleagues.  When his strange, prophetic fits bring him to the attention of the High Priest, however, he may find that his existence is less superfluous than he had originally thought. 


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Cosmological Poems of Arda by by AaronAzrael [Writing]

I would like to share my revelations of Tolkien's Universe in the form of narrative and emotional poems.

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Around the World and Web

Fellowship of the Fics: Summer Stories 2024
Fellowship of the Fics offers four weeks of summer-themed prompts during the month of July.

July challenge at tolkienshortfanworks posted
The tolkienshortfanworks challenge for July has been posted to the Dreamwidth community. The thematic challenge is: original character or unnamed canon character; the formal challenge: fixed length of multiple of 50 words. New participants welcome.

July 2024 Call for Papers and Proposals
Conferences and publications that have open calls for papers and proposals in July 2024.

Teitho June/July Challenge: Mentor
The June/July prompt for the Teitho challenge is "mentor" and invites fanworks about this relationship in Tolkien's works.

Scribbles & Drabbles 2024
A chill Tolkien event, where artists make art, and authors write little stories in response. Begins in June and ends in November.

Mythcon 53: Fantasies of the Middle Lands
Mythcon 53 will be held 2-5 August 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with the theme "Fantasies of the Middle Lands."

Elrond Week 2024
Elrond Week is a fandom event dedicated to Elrond Peredhel that will run from July 10th to July 16th on Tumblr.

Forgotten Ground Regained: Call for Submissions
Forgotten Ground Regained is looking for alliterative poetry on the themes of love, devotion, and desire for their upcoming fall issue.

Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang (TRSB) 2024
Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang is an annual event where authors create a story of at least 5,000 words in response to an artwork created for the event.

Acorns and Oak Leaves: A Year of Bagginshield
Throughout 2024, the Bagginshield community Acorns and Oak Leaves offers monthly prompts to encourage new creations of all kinds.