Fanworks Tagged with Elros

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The Power of an Oath by AndyC

Maglor reflects on the Oath of Feanor.  Elros learns of the power of Fate over the Eldar and the freedom of Men.

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All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

This is my latest collection of pieces too small to stand alone, often written for events on the SWG Discord.

The Latest:
"Memorial." Nerdanel ponders how to memorialize the kinslaying.
"Tears Unnumbered." The Haudh-en-Nirnaeth after the deluge.
"Unsafety." Fingolfin rides to Morgoth's gates.
"Quiet Love." Nerdanel cares for Fëanor on the anniversary of Míriel's death.
"The Secret Door." Celebrimbor learns lessons about magic.

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Elwing's Soliloquy. by hennethgalad

Elwing confronts Maedhros and Maglor stand over her sleeping children.


day 15: "an important moment"

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The Winehammer. by hennethgalad

Erestor and Gildor witness a pivotal moment in the lives of the sons of Eärendil. In a nightclub.

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A tale of grief and hope by Sognante

A twin, an uncle and a distantly future father: Elrond on sorrow, hope, family and love, at a time of mourning for him and Númenor.

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Holidays Gone By by StraightOuttaHimring

Vignettes of four elves celebrating holidays over the years, and one holiday spent togeather. For The Silmarillion Writer's Guild 'Seasons Greetings' challenge. 

Glorfindel: Tarnin Austa in Gondolin 

Gildor: Begetting Day in Nargothrond 

Erestor: Turuhalmë on Amon Ereb

Lindor: Coming of Age in Lindon

Yestarë in Imladris 

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A Short Tale for Summer's End by StraightOuttaHimring

It’s the dog days of summer and Maglor and the twins are trying to survive the heat on Amon Ereb. Fortunately Maedhros has a plan to help.

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Mind's Delight by bunn

In the dwarf-city of Belegost, teenage Elrond and Elros are bored, and Maglor is not sure what to expect of half-elves.
Written as a treat for mainecoon76 in the Innumerable Stars 2019 exchange.

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Family Portraits by arriviste

In the beginning, you say, and the stories you tell the boys about themselves start in the mudflats beyond Sirion as you rode away from it together.

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New Day, New Age by StarSpray

It was the most thrilling thing, to sail away and watch the coastline of Middle-earth dwindle and fade into a dark line on the horizon, and then to vanish completely.

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Of Crowns and Sand and Fruitless Searching by StarSpray

Elrond and Elros, out searching for Maglor, make camp on the beach.

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Carol Caterwauling by Nitheliniel

A song from the heart may melt snow and ice - and bitter hearts.
Young Elrond and Elros establish a dear family tradition.

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Lingering in the Hither Lands by bunn

Thangorodrim is broken, and the Elves believe that Evil has ended forever. There's a certain amount of tidying-up to be done.

HoME canon in which Maglor is among the Elves in the early second age and Elrond is with him rather than published Silmarillion canon.  

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How Far I'll Go by Grundy

Elros muses on his future as he sails to the island that will be the new home of his people.

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On Wings of Storm by StarSpray

When the dragons come, so does Vingilot--and Earendil is not alone on board.

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Why? by elvntari

Elros liked to get drunk on the rooftop and philosophise. Elrond liked to make sure he didn't get caught. 

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Enemies to Sons by eris_of_imladris

Gil-galad’s relationship with Elrond and Elros from beginning to end. A prequel, midquel and sequel to Fourth Father from Gil-galad's POV, as requested by Tamuril2 on ao3. Written in the spirit of the Differing Perspectives challenge.

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Quenta Narquelion by bunn

What if Fëanor's spirit never left the halls of Mandos because it never went there in the first place?

Fëanor, dead, watches the First Age unfold and from time to time, joins in. Canon-compliant character death and a detailed account of the Eastern Front of the War of Wrath. [Thanks to pp for beta reading] 

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Root and All by grey_gazania

Elrond, still fairly new to Amon Ereb, learns some botany and gets to know Maedhros a little better.

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Of Lapwings, Hares and Speckled Eggs by Narya

The Ambarussa play a trick on their younger cousin and unwittingly create a springtime legend. An Easter-themed one-shot featuring the House of Finwë - plus a few guest stars.

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Fëanorians in 600 Words or Less by eris_of_imladris

Each Fëanorian gets their own headcanon and short story of 600 words or less for this character exploration!

Written for Fëanorian Week 2018.

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Speak No Evil by grey_gazania

Maedhros teaches Elrond and Elros the language of the orcs.

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Fourth Father by eris_of_imladris

One year after arriving in Gil-galad's camp, Elrond learns of the fates of Maedhros and Maglor.

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Sandcastles by StarSpray

It was a beautiful day, cloudless, the sun shining brightly on the sea and making the wave tips glitter like diamonds. Fishing boats dotted the bay, and in the distance Balar rose dark and solid out of the water. Gulls wheeled overhead, calling to one another, as Elwing followed Elrond and Elros to the beach.

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Pieces of the Stars by Nibeneth

When the Oath brings disaster to Sirion, Maglor attempts to fix what he can, but a temporary arrangement becomes much more permanent than anyone had foreseen. Elrond and Elros grow up, grow together, and grow apart at the end of a world slowly decaying into myth and legend.

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